how to test for condition??

  • Is it possible, rather, can someone explain to me how.... to test each record in a table for a condition?

    For instance, I need to run through each record in a table and perform a query on it.  This query will update another table.

    I have a table Chains and a table Records in my database MROresults.

    I need to run the update query (to Records) for each record in chains....

    UPDATE records

    SET chainpath = ?

    WHERE (speciminid = ?)

    Any ideas?  Am I way out of the ballpark here?  Is this possible?  IT is sort of like I am using each record in one table as the parameters for my update query on another table.

    Terrible confused with this issue...  I know you can't perform an update query on two tables, but if I query one table, line by line, aren't I getting around it?

    Any input or thoughts would be appreciated.










  • I'm sure that we can help you out with just a bit more information.

    1) What is the link between Records and Chains?

    2) What do you want to set Records.Chainpath to?

    3) What condition does SpeciminID have to satisfy?

    You are correct in assuming that you cannot update more than one table at a time - though you can, in some circumstances, update a view which may update several tables on which it is based - gets a bit complicated to explain the circumstances though

    However, the source data for the update can come from as many tables as needed.


    update r

    set x = c.field1, y = c.field2 -- etc

    from records r inner join chains c on =

    where ...



  • Hi Phil  thanks for the reply..

    1.  The link between records and chains is the specimenID...actually, it is the field I would like to use to check for matches. 

    2.  In the chain table, when a new entry is made, it is autonumbered.  If a match is made (with the specimen ID's) I would like the record table to attach the Chain number as Chainpath(field)

    3.  The specimen ID has to match exactly.  They are unique numbers.

    Hope I explained that well enough, as you can see I am very new to all of this...

    thanks for your input!



  • Hi Kristin, no problem. I don't think I was too far away with my last attempt Here's a refined version (it assumes that SpecimenID is the link-field name in both tables, that 'chainnumber' is the autonumber field in the chains table and that 'chainpath' is the field in the records table that you wish to update):

    update r

    set chainpath = c.chainnumber

    from records r inner join chains c on r.SpecimenID = c.SpecimenID

    By performing the inner join, we ensure that only matching records are updated. It will update all records in 'records' which have matching records in 'chains'. If you intend to run the query repeatedly, you could add

    where r.chainpath c.chainnumber

    to the end of the query. This will avoid re-writing updates that have already been made and will therefore run faster.



  • Hey Phil...when I run this it is asking me to declare r and c.....says variables not declared.    What and where do I declare them?

    kristin  - I am missing something..


  • Kristin,


    UPDATE records

       SET chainpath = c.chainNumber

      FROM records r JOIN chains c ON r.specimenID = c.specimenID

    or, since the query is simple, just:

    UPDATE records

       SET chainpath = chains.chainNumber

      FROM records JOIN chains ON records.specimenID = chains.specimenID

    This assumes that the RECORDS table contains a column call chainpath, and that table CHAINS contains a column named chainNumber.

    r and c are examples of a "local alias", a shorthand for the table name valid only within the query.




  • Thats it!  thanks for all your help guys  And it worked better yes, by just running the query as a stored procedure and calling it in VB!  Looks simple I know, but I'm a novice, and this little update routine is going to save us all hours and hours of work here! 

    Here is what finally worked....thanks again!!!!!........Kristin

    UPDATE records

    SET records.chainpath = chains.chainnum

    FROM records INNER JOIN

        chains ON records.speciminid = chains.speciminid


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