How to sum the result and calculate the average

  • Hi

    Below one is my sample table structure

    Declare @t table


    id int,

    name nvarchar(50),

    counts int


    Insert into @t

    Select 1,'AA',16 Union all

    Select 2,'BB',14 Union all

    Select 3,'cc',60 Union all

    Select 4,'dd',19 Union all

    Select 5,'ee',2

    select * from @t

    i need the result like below

    id name counts Result

    ----------- ---------- -----------

    1 AA 16 14.2857142857142857

    2 BB 14 12.5000000000000000

    3 cc 60 53.5714285714285714

    4 dd 19 17.8571428571428571

    5 ee 2 1.7857142857142857

    Result calculation is

    (Counts divided

    sum of count (16+14+60+19+2)

    Multiply 100)


    counts/sumofcount *100

    Can any one please guide me through sample code.

  • Can you show us how you have you attempted to solve this problem yourself ?

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Actually this is my actual query

    Declare @Month int,@Year int

    set @Month=12

    SEt @Year=2010

    ;with cte



    SELECT TOP 5 row_number() over(order by (select 0)) ID,dbo.Assets.AssetShortName,COUNT(*) AS Counts

    FROM dbo.Proposals INNER JOIN dbo.Assets ON dbo.Proposals.AssetID=dbo.Assets.AssetID


    DATEPART(MM,dbo.Proposals.SubmissonDate)=@Month AND




    ),cte1 as





    (SELECT sum(Counts)

    FROM cte

    WHERE ID <= O.ID) 'Total'

    FROM cte O




    Select ID,AssetShortName,Counts, (Select MAX(total) total from cte1 ) TotalValue

    from cte1


    Select ID,AssetShortName,Counts,(cast(Counts as decimal) / cast(TotalValue as decimal)*100) Result from cte2

    am getting exact result. but query length is too lengthy. so that i would like to optimize this query.

    Can you please guide me.

  • There seem to bit a bit more going on in there :ermm:

    But this should solve the 'simple' question you posed ...

    select *,((counts*1.0) / sum(counts) over (partition by 1))*100.0

    from @t

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Nice,Thanks dave.

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