September 16, 2018 at 6:55 pm
How to make query Substract AmountDue For Invoice from Customer Balance
Balance Customer query :
SELECT VTargetDetail.BranchCode ,VTargetDetail.SubLdgCode as UnitCode ,(SUM(dbo.VTargetDetail.Debit * dbo.VTargetDetail.CurrencyRate) - SUM(dbo.VTargetDetail.Credit * dbo.VTargetDetail.CurrencyRate) ) as Balance FROM dbo.VTargetDetail LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.TypeTrxSafe ON dbo.VTargetDetail.BranchCode = dbo.TypeTrxSafe.BranchCode AND dbo.VTargetDetail.TrxTypeCode = dbo.TypeTrxSafe.SafeTrxTypeCode WHERE (1 = 1) AND (VTargetDetail.TrxDate <= '2018/09/17') AND (VTargetDetail.SubLdgCodeType = 28) AND (VTargetDetail.SubLdgCode=5639) group by VTargetDetail.SubLdgCode,VTargetDetail.BranchCode
AmountDue For Invoice query as following :
select BranchCode,UnitCode,RequiredAmount, Serial,Year,Month,CurrentReadingDate,CurrentMeterReading,LastMeterReading,CurrentConsumption,CurrentConsumptionValue ,VATValue,CleaningFees from WAHInvoice where 1=1 AND year=2018 AND BranchCode = 1 and Month=5 and UnitCode=5639
How to substract Balance from First Query represent Balance Customer query
RequiredAmount on second Query AmountDue For Invoice query
Meaning Balance - RequiredAmount
and I need result display on one query .
How to do that please .
BranchCode UnitCode Difference
1 5639 CustomerBalance - requiredamount
How to do that by union
September 16, 2018 at 7:40 pm
Sorry, my psychic powers are off for the weekend. What database are you using? It sounds like a sample MSFT database, but since you don't specify, I'm not sure.
Where/how is the Customer's balance determined?
September 16, 2018 at 7:59 pm
can you help me please
query what i do as following
select BranchCode,UnitCode,RequiredAmount, Serial,Year,Month,CurrentReadingDate,CurrentMeterReading,LastMeterReading,CurrentConsumption,CurrentConsumptionValue ,VATValue,CleaningFees
select BranchCode,UnitCode,RequiredAmount, Serial,Year,Month,CurrentReadingDate,Convert(varchar,CurrentMeterReading) as CurrentMeterReading,Convert(varchar,LastMeterReading) as LastMeterReading,Convert(varchar,CurrentConsumption) as CurrentConsumption,Convert(varchar,CurrentConsumptionValue) as CurrentConsumptionValue ,Convert(varchar,VATValue) as VATValue,Convert(varchar,CleaningFees) as CleaningFees from WAHInvoice where 1=1 AND year=2018 AND BranchCode = 1 and Month=5 and UnitCode=5639
SELECT VTargetDetail.BranchCode ,VTargetDetail.SubLdgCode as UnitCode ,(SUM(dbo.VTargetDetail.Debit * dbo.VTargetDetail.CurrencyRate) - SUM(dbo.VTargetDetail.Credit * dbo.VTargetDetail.CurrencyRate) ) as Balance ,'' AS Serial ,'' as YEAR,'' AS Month,'' as CurrentReadingDate,'' as CurrentMeterReading,'' as LastMeterReading,'' as CurrentConsumption,'' as CurrentConsumptionValue,'' as VATValue,'' as CleaningFees
dbo.TypeTrxSafe ON dbo.VTargetDetail.BranchCode = dbo.TypeTrxSafe.BranchCode AND dbo.VTargetDetail.TrxTypeCode = dbo.TypeTrxSafe.SafeTrxTypeCode WHERE (1 = 1) AND (VTargetDetail.TrxDate <= '2018/09/17') AND (VTargetDetail.SubLdgCodeType = 28) AND (VTargetDetail.SubLdgCode = 5639) group by VTargetDetail.SubLdgCode,VTargetDetail.BranchCode
)as INV
actually how to get substract between Required amount field in table wahinvoice and Balance alias that represent customer balance
September 16, 2018 at 8:44 pm
Oh, come on. What database is this coming from???
It looks like it's one of the Microsoft ones, but which one? Is it the 2014 version of AdventureWorks?
Without knowing what database it comes from, or having CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements to recreate your design/problem, it's hard to answer.
What if you do something like multiply one of the sets by -1 and then UNION them and then use an aggregate query?
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