September 24, 2015 at 2:33 pm
This is a full error description: «The multi-valued field '|' is not valid in a CROSSTAB query.»
Any help is greatly appreciated!
September 24, 2015 at 2:51 pm
Multi-valued fields are evil.
Break the multi-valued field into a separate table and use that.
September 24, 2015 at 3:09 pm
You will need to remove the multi value field from the query.
The Multi-value data type has many limitations..
The way I have handle this is to write VBA code to take the data out of the multi vale field(s) and create records in a temp table that is crosstab friendly.. The crosstab query can be based on this temp table
You work with a Multi-value data type field using a DAO Recordset.
Sample code:
dim rs as dao.recordset
dim rsMV as dao.recordset
set rs = currentdb.openrecordset("someTable")
do while not rs.eof
'the value property returns another recordset
set rsMV = rs.fields("SomeMultiValField").value
do while not rsMV.eof
debug.print rsMV.fields(0)
Boyd Trimmell, Microsoft Access MVP Alumni 2010-2015
aka HiTechCoach
September 26, 2015 at 8:35 am
•"Error 3817" appears and crashes the active program window.
•Your PC frequently crashes with Error 3817 when running the same program.
•“Microsoft Access Error 3817” is displayed.
•Windows runs sluggishly and responds slowly to mouse or keyboard input.
•Your computer periodically “freezes” for a few seconds at a time.
These 3817 error messages can appear during program installation, while a Microsoft Corporation-related software program (eg. Microsoft Access) is running, during Windows startup or shutdown, or even during the installation of the Windows operating system. Keeping track of when and where your 3817 error occurs is a critical piece of information in troubleshooting the problem.
CausesofError 3817
•Corrupt download or incomplete installation of Microsoft Access software.
•Corruption in Windows registry from a recent Microsoft Access-related software change (install or uninstall).
•Virus or malware infection that has corrupted Windows system files or Microsoft Access-related program files.
•Another program maliciously or mistakenly deleted Microsoft Access-related files.
Runtime Errors such as “Error 3817” can be caused by a variety of factors, so it is important that you troubleshoot each of the possible causes to prevent it from recurring.
I can recommend you to scan PC for computer errors.
If you are still experiencing the issue you can use Access Fix Toolbox
September 26, 2015 at 8:38 am
try to stop the error on this site:
September 28, 2015 at 4:12 pm
Huh? This has nothing to do with the problem.
September 28, 2015 at 10:00 pm
I agree that that the selected solution seam odd.
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