how to split up the incentive for a member and his team leader ,maneger for admin view?

  • here iam having 3 table member table ,member relation table,and tblProductInfo depend upon the sale in product info

    the member relation table the amount is calculated

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[tblMembers]

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblMembers](

    [MemberID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [Name] [varchar](30) NULL)

    INSERT INTO [tblMembers] ([Name])

    VALUES ('siva'), ('ganesh'), ('rajesh'), ('gobi'), ('arun'), ('rajesharavind')

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[tblMembersRelation]

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblMembersRelation](

    [MembersRelationID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [MemberID] [int] NULL,

    [ParentID] [int] NULL,

    [Level] [int] NULL)

    INSERT INTO [tblMembersRelation] ([MemberID],[ParentID])

    VALUES (1, null ), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 2), (5, 3), (6, 4)

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[tblProductInfo]

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblProductInfo](

    [ProductId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [ProjectId] [int] NOT NULL,

    [SaleMemberId] [int] NULL,

    [SaleClosedPrice] [decimal](18, 4) NULL,

    [SaleDate] [datetime] NULL,

    [SaleCreateDate] [datetime] NULL)

    INSERT INTO [tblProductInfo] ([ProjectId],[SaleMemberId],[SaleClosedPrice],[SaleDate])

    VALUES (1,6,500,'6-31-2012')

    here to find the maximum level i just used this select poc



    SELECTm.MemberID, m.Name AS MemberName, r.ParentID

    FROMtblMembers m

    LEFT JOIN tblMembersRelation r

    ONr.MemberID = m.MemberID




    SELECTParentID, MemberID, 1 AS LevelNum, MemberName, CAST(MemberName AS VARCHAR(1000)) AS SortOrder


    WHEREMemberID = 1


    SELECTp.ParentID, p.MemberID, LevelNum + 1 AS LevelNum, p.MemberName, CAST(h.SortOrder + '|' + p.MemberName AS VARCHAR(1000)) AS SortOrder

    FROMMemberAndParent p

    JOINHierarchy h

    ONh.MemberID = p.ParentID




    CAST(REPLICATE(' | ', LevelNum - 1) + MemberName AS VARCHAR(100)) AS MemberName


    ORDER BY LevelNum


    output willl be


    1 NULL 1 siva

    2 1 2 | ganesh

    2 1 3 | rajesh

    3 3 5 | | arun

    3 2 4 | | gobi

    4 4 6 | | | rajesharavind

    for example if member soled the product means is commission was 6 %

    parent memberid of a member under the member control means the member will get 2% commission

    for example member 6 soled product 500

    he will get comission of 6% of 30 as comission

    his parent id 4 will receive comission of 2% of 10 as comission

    the member 4 has a parent id 2 will receive comission of 2% of 10 as comission

    the member 2 has a parent id 1 will receive comission of 2% of 10 as comission

    i am trying out put

    Date ProjectId ProductId Closing Price SaleMemberId SaleMemberName memberid Memberlevel commisson per%

    '6-31-2012 1 1 500 6 'rajesharavind 1 1 10 2

    6-31-2012 1 1 500 6 'rajesharavind 2 2 10 2

    6-31-2012 1 1 500 6 'rajesharavind 4 3 10 2

    6-31-2012 1 1 500 6 'rajesharavind 6 4 30 6

  • that was different concept and this was a different concept

    in that concept i will provide parameter @memberid but in this iam not using that parameter

  • Sorry, looks very similar to each other.

  • plz watch the out put of both which i asked

  • in that proc


    m1 m2 level1

    m1.1 m1.2 m2.1 m2.2 level2

    in that proc if m loged in means if m1,m2m1.m1.1 , m1.2 , m2.1,m2.2 have made a sale mean he will receive commission of 2% from the saleclosed price

    if m2 loged in means if m2.1,m2.2 have made a sale mean he will receive commission of 2% from the saleclosed price

    but in this proc no member loged in admin only watch will get logged in it will static member level as m1 is the level 1the admin will watch all the members in sentive commision in a single page

  • hi lynn can u please try to help me

  • From what I have seen of this, I just don't have 20 to 40 hours of free time to this for nothing. If I'm going to spend this kind of time on a problem, it is either for something I am doing for myself. If you have $1500 to $3000 you want to spend for this help, that is another story.

    I can help more people with other problems that won't take the effort this problem will.

  • can any one plz try to help me

  • i love to help those who help themselves;

    it looks like Chris@home spent a lot of time writing code and helping you out there in the other thread, but i don't see anything based off of that work in this post; it's like you didn't understand his posts and wanted to start fresh instead.

    can you show us a query you have that almost...but not quite...gets the data you are looking for?

    if you don't build off of the previous help you've already received, how can we help you?


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • If others write all your code, how do you plan on supporting it if something goes wrong? Lowell is right, you need to start doing this and then asking for specific help when you run into a problem and have trouble solvinga specific piece.

  • i just tried like this

    ;WITH MemberAndParent

    AS (

    SELECT m.MemberID, m.Name AS MemberName, r.ParentId

    FROM tblMembers m


    tblMembersRelation r

    ON r.MemberID = m.MemberID



    AS (

    SELECT ParentId, MemberID, 0 AS LevelNum, MemberName, CAST(MemberName AS VARCHAR(1000)) AS SortOrder

    FROM MemberAndParent

    WHERE MemberId=1


    SELECT p.ParentId, p.MemberID, LevelNum + 1 AS LevelNum, p.MemberName, CAST(h.SortOrder + '|' + p.MemberName AS VARCHAR(1000)) AS SortOrder

    FROM MemberAndParent p

    JOIN Hierarchy h

    ON h.MemberID = p.ParentId


    INSERT INTO @solution3 ( LevelNum,MemberID,ParentId,MemberName)






    FROM Hierarchy H

    ORDER BY LevelNum,ParentId


    t1.levelnum as Memberlevel ,











    (case WHEN [OwnCommission] is null THEN [ChildCommission] ELSE [OwnCommission] END) 'CommissionAmount'


    @solution3 t1

    inner join

    tblProductInfo pinfo

    on t1.MemberID=pinfo.SaleMemberId

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT [OwnCommission] = CASE WHEN LevelNum = 0 THEN pinfo.SaleClosedPrice * 6/100 END) x

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT [ChildCommission] = CASE WHEN LevelNum >= 1 THEN pinfo.SaleClosedPrice* 2/100 ELSE 0 END) y

    order by SaleDate desc


    for this i will get only solution for member 1 but i need solution for all member id

  • sivag (6/29/2012) that was different concept and this was a different concept

    in that concept i will provide parameter @memberid but in this iam not using that parameter

    And yes, this appears to be the same concept.

    You just need to figure out where to put the @memberid for the query.

  • m1 level o

    m2 m3 level1

    m4 m5 m6 m7 level2

    m8 m9 m10 m11 m12 m13 . m14. m15 level3

    m14 m15 level4

    for example in a produt sale

    if member14 sale a product rs 300000

    for that the commission for him is 6% and the parent id m8 will rececive 2% commission and the parent id m4 will rececive 2% commission

    and the parent id m2 will rececive 2% commission


    if member4 sale a product rs 100000

    for that the commission for him is 6% and the parent id m2 will rececive 2% commission and the parent id m1 will rececive 2% commission

    salememberid saleclosed price memberereceivecommission percentage commission

    m14 300000 m14 6% 180000

    m14 300000 m8 2% 6000

    m14 300000 m4 2% 6000

    m14 300000 m2 2% 6000

    m4 100000 m4 6% 6000

    m4 100000 m2 2% 2000

    m4 100000 m1 2% 2000

    only it sale commission will be given for 3 level num parent id only

    here i didnt pass any member id the only palce i have to gine member id=1 for searching all level

  • sivag (6/30/2012)

    m1 level o

    m2 m3 level1

    m4 m5 m6 m7 level2

    m8 m9 m10 m11 m12 m13 . m14. m15 level3

    m14 m15 level4

    for example in a produt sale

    if member14 sale a product rs 300000

    for that the commission for him is 6% and the parent id m8 will rececive 2% commission and the parent id m4 will rececive 2% commission

    and the parent id m2 will rececive 2% commission


    if member4 sale a product rs 100000

    for that the commission for him is 6% and the parent id m2 will rececive 2% commission and the parent id m1 will rececive 2% commission

    salememberid saleclosed price memberereceivecommission percentage commission

    m14 300000 m14 6% 180000

    m14 300000 m8 2% 6000

    m14 300000 m4 2% 6000

    m14 300000 m2 2% 6000

    m4 100000 m4 6% 6000

    m4 100000 m2 2% 2000

    m4 100000 m1 2% 2000

    only it sale commission will be given for 3 level num parent id only

    here i didnt pass any member id the only palce i have to gine member id=1 for searching all level

    Sorry, but this appears to be incomplete.

    It would help if you kept your text separate from the code instead of embedding them together.

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