How to Split a char field?

  • Hi

    I do not know if it is possible but, I need find how to split a fleld in SQL server. I need to move the last three characters to another field on their own.

    Is there a way to do this?  

    the field is char (60) but the last three characters are not always on the same string position.





  • select substring(companyname,len(companyname) - 2,len(companyname)),companyname from customers


    this is a query that returns the last three characters from northwind database

  • I presume you just need to trim off the trailing spaces before you grab the last three characters:


    declare @Table table (col1 char(60), Col2 char(60))

    insert into @Table (Col1) values ('Test Test     123         ')

    insert into @Table (Col1) values ('Test Test Test     123                    ')

    insert into @Table (Col1) values ('Test Test Test  Test        123               ')

    select right(rtrim(Col1),3) from @Table

    Update @Table set Col2 = right(rtrim(Col1),3)

    select * from @table



  • SELECT RIGHT(companyname, 3) AS lastThreeChars,companyname FROM Customers

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Thanks guys,  Got it! and it works 

    I can actually do it either way.


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