How To Sort By the MAX value in one cal

  • I have a very simple table (DDL below) that stores audit data that includes the WHEN (DateUsed), the WHAT (ObjectName) and the WHO (UserName). Every time a user (UserName) access something (ObjectName) the DateUsed is updated with the date and time and the ObjectName & UserName are udpated with the name of the user and what object they used.

    How do I construct a query that will show the data by UserName and then ObjectName but will determine the order of UserName & ObjectName by looking at the DateUsed column in descending order. I want all rows where UserName + ObjectName are the same, but I want to sorting of thos to be detemrined by which IbjectName was used most recently which would be Max(DateUsed) GROUPED BY UserName + ObjectName.

    Sorting by Max(DateUsed) will sort all the rows by just DateUsed and I want Max(DateUsed) to be used only to determine how to sort UserName + ObjectName.

    I apolagize for not having any sample dat but I haven't had time to create any. If Sample data is necessary to properly convey what it is I am trying to do then let me know and I will come up withs omething later.

    I'm certain thers a name or term to describe this kind of sortiing I just can't think of it.



    [ID] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [UserName] [varchar](256) NOT NULL,

    [DateUsed] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [ObjectName] [varchar](256) NOT NULL,



    [ID] ASC


    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    Kindest Regards,

    Just say No to Facebook!
  • Are you looking for something like this?

    ORDER BY MAX(DateUsed) OVER(PARTITION BY ObjectName, UserName)

    Luis C.
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  • Luis Cazares (2/26/2014)

    Are you looking for something like this?

    ORDER BY MAX(DateUsed) OVER(PARTITION BY ObjectName, UserName)

    I believe thats exactly it. Thanks Luis!

    Kindest Regards,

    Just say No to Facebook!
  • YSLGuru (3/4/2014)

    Luis Cazares (2/26/2014)

    Are you looking for something like this?

    ORDER BY MAX(DateUsed) OVER(PARTITION BY ObjectName, UserName)

    I believe thats exactly it. Thanks Luis!

    Looks like I spoke to soon as thats not working. I need to put together some data to include and maybe that will help.


    Kindest Regards,

    Just say No to Facebook!

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