How To solve the problem I Read one or more flat files For Particular folder .

  • Hi Steve Jones

    I have one folder for example Empdetails(foldername)

    in that three .csv files are there that having different columns

    (Ex:1) epersonal.csv file that contains three columns like [empid,efirstname,elastname])

    2)eaddress.csv file that contains four columns like [ecity,edistinct,estate,ecountry]

    3)eotherdetails.csv file that contains four columns iike [egender,emarried,sal]


    I want to transfer the flat files data into Oracle destination Table Without Duplicates data

    Oracle destination Table Format


    Empid Ename City Distinct State Country Gender Married Sal

    100 Hari Hyd Hyd A.P INDIA Male Unmarried 150000

    Pls help me

    step by step procedure

  • You haven't well framed the question. Is this a one time transfer? Are they the same format? Do the names of the files change?

    Setting up a one time transfer is trivial. One source, one destination, and 5 transfer tasks in a package. This gives basics:

    However if you are looking to add more to it, then someone isn't likely to build the package for you. If you have different file names, you need a for loop that scans the files in a folder. Search for that technique or ask that specific question. If you need to handle different formats, ask that.

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