How to show table in one row

  • Hello everyone,

    I want to display the information in the table in one row for each status (show the max create date of status) like the example.

    I would like to know how to do that

    Tks, Gilad

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  • Ahoi,

    for future posts:


    for current post:

    The thing ur looking for is probably Pivot/Unpivot from SQL Server, theres examples of how to use it on google

  • You may want to take a look at the following 2 articles

    In the meantime, when posting a question, please help us to help you.  Give us readily consumable data

    CREATE TABLE #Data (
    ID int NOT NULL
    , userid int NOT NULL
    , CreateDate datetime NOT NULL
    , [status] int NOT NULL

    INSERT INTO #Data ( ID, userid, CreateDate, [status] )
    VALUES ( 775205, 3297, '2022-06-07 10:08:44.010', 100 )
    , ( 775205, 3297, '2022-06-07 10:06:47.853', 100 )
    , ( 775205, 3297, '2022-06-07 10:06:26.290', 80 )
    , ( 775205, 3297, '2022-06-07 10:05:57.193', 300 )
    , ( 775205, 99, '2022-06-06 22:05:30.980', 10 );



    Then we can help with a solution

    WITH cteData AS (
    FROM #Data
    SELECT cte.ID
    , status_10 = MAX(CASE WHEN cte.[status] = 10 THEN cte.[status] END)
    , userid_10 = MAX(CASE WHEN cte.[status] = 10 THEN cte.userid END)
    , createdate_10 = MAX(CASE WHEN cte.[status] = 10 THEN cte.CreateDate END)
    , status_80 = MAX(CASE WHEN cte.[status] = 80 THEN cte.[status] END)
    , userid_80 = MAX(CASE WHEN cte.[status] = 80 THEN cte.userid END)
    , createdate_80 = MAX(CASE WHEN cte.[status] = 80 THEN cte.CreateDate END)
    , status_100 = MAX(CASE WHEN cte.[status] = 100 THEN cte.[status] END)
    , userid_100 = MAX(CASE WHEN cte.[status] = 100 THEN cte.userid END)
    , createdate_100 = MAX(CASE WHEN cte.[status] = 100 THEN cte.CreateDate END)
    , status_300 = MAX(CASE WHEN cte.[status] = 300 THEN cte.[status] END)
    , userid_300 = MAX(CASE WHEN cte.[status] = 300 THEN cte.userid END)
    , createdate_300 = MAX(CASE WHEN cte.[status] = 300 THEN cte.CreateDate END)
    FROM cteData AS cte
    WHERE cte.rn = 1
    GROUP BY cte.ID
  • Wow DesNorton Tks alot u help me so much!!!

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