June 4, 2010 at 7:20 am
Hi All,
I have table which contain multiple records for one id e.g.
a_ida_adda1_adda3_add a4_dt
1sameerMumbaiTEST 05/02/2010
1sameer1PuneTEST2 08/04/2010
I need to show result in single row like
a_adda1_adda3_add a4_dt(1) a_adda1_adda3_add a4_dt(2)
sameerMumbaiTEST 05/02/2010 sameer1 PuneTEST2 08/04/2010
I have tried PIVOT option but not able succeed.
June 4, 2010 at 3:14 pm
Please provide table def, sample data and expected result in a ready to use format as described in the first link in my signature. Also. please provide what you've tried so far and where you got stuck.
June 7, 2010 at 1:49 am
Try this; it does the trick but it would work only if you have two or less rows for a particular a_id. I would like to add that this is not an elegant approach but as I said, it does the trick.
if object_id('tempdb..#Multi') is not null drop table #Multi
create table #Multi(a_id smallint, a_add varchar(10), a1_add varchar(10), a3_add varchar(10), a4_dt varchar(10))
insert into #Multi
select 1, 'sameer', 'Mumbai', 'TEST', '05/02/2010'
union all
select 1, 'sameer1', 'Pune', 'TEST2', '08/04/2010'
;with cte as
select *, row_number() over(partition by a_id order by a_id) as [rep]
from #Multi
select a_add, a1_add, a3_add, a4_dt [a4_dt(1)],
(select a_add from cte where a_id = c1.a_id and rep = 2) [a_add],
(select a1_add from cte where a_id = c1.a_id and rep = 2) [a1_add],
(select a3_add from cte where a_id = c1.a_id and rep = 2) [a3_add],
(select a4_dt from cte where a_id = c1.a_id and rep = 2) [a4_dt(2)]
from cte c1 where rep = 1
A word of caution: multiple selects mean multiple reads from the table, this will involve table scan if you do not add indexes. I do not know why the table is designed so; I think it is crappy anyway. If you will have two rows for each a_id why don't you add some more columns to the table.
- arjun
June 8, 2010 at 8:48 am
This should do what you need:
DECLARE @Result CHAR(8000)
SET @Result = ''
SELECT @Result = rtrim(@Result) + ' ' + ltrim(str(a_id)) + ' ' + a_add
+ ' ' + a1_add + ' ' + a3_add + ' ' + ltrim(convert(varchar,a4_dt,101))
FROM tbl_example
WHERE a_id = 1
PRINT @Result
June 9, 2010 at 2:29 am
hello friend,
Kindly try the below one.
Declare @t table
a_id int,
a_add varchar(20),
a1_add varchar(20),
a3_add varchar(20),
a4_dt varchar(20)
Insert into @t
Select 1 ,'sameer','Mumbai','TEST','05/02/2010' Union All
Select 1 ,'sameer1','Pune','TEST2','08/04/2010'
Select * from @t
declare @xml xml
set @xml=(Select t2.a_id ,t2.a_add ,t2.a1_add ,t2.a3_add ,t2.a4_dt from @t t2 where t2.a_id=1 for xml path(''))
w.value('a_id[1]','varchar(50)') a_id,
w.value('a_add[1]','varchar(50)') a1_add,
w.value('a1_add[1]','varchar(50)') a1_add,
w.value('a3_add[1]','varchar(50)') a3_add,
w.value('a4_dt[1]','varchar(50)') a4_dt,
w.value('a_id[2]','varchar(50)') a_id,
w.value('a_add[2]','varchar(50)') a1_add,
w.value('a1_add[2]','varchar(50)') a1_add,
w.value('a3_add[2]','varchar(50)') a3_add,
w.value('a4_dt[2]','varchar(50)') a4_dt
from @xml.nodes('.') n(w)
Let me know that, wheather u got correct result
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