How to set the value of a variable in SSIS using a script task

  • Hi,

    I have created a script task that takes User defined variables named:

    - As ReadOnlyVariables





    - As ReadWriteVariables


    Here is my script task code -- Using VB


    Public Sub Main()


    Dim FileCounter As String

    Dim IncomingCode As String

    Dim FileDate As String

    Dim FileExtension As String

    Dim FileName As String

    FileCounter = CStr(Dts.Variables("User::Counter").Value)

    FeedCode = Dts.Variables("User::IncomingCode").Value

    FileDate = Dts.Variables("User::FileDate").Value

    FileExtension = Dts.Variables("User::FileExtension").Value

    FileName = FeedCode + "_" + FileDate + "_" + FileCounter

    ' The value is printing fine. I want to assign that value to the variable User::FileName in SSIS


    ' I tried doing this. But After I run the package the value does not get assigned. Am I missing something?

    Dts.Variables("User::FileName").Value = FileName

    Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success

    End Sub


    Help will be appreciated. Thanks

  • I use C# as my script language. This is from SQL 2008

    But in C# the DTS variables use brackets not parens.

    Dts.Variables["FileName"].Value = FileName.ToString();

    Place some of the other variables into your message box and see if they are shown.

    Andrew SQLDBA

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