How to Send SSRS Reports(subscriptions) from SQL AGENT JOB STEP

  • Hi All,

    I have a sql agent job "LoadfromOracle" which loads data from oracle to sql server tables(Orders table, Marketing table ) everyday. This job runs everyday at 7:00 am (Avg Execution time is 1 hour), so completes at 8:00 am.

    I have a report named "daily report" which uses Orders table, Marketing table to fetch the required data. we had created subscription for this report ("daily report") and this report is send to executives everyday as an email attachment at 8:20 am.

    Problem : some times the sql agent job "LoadfromOracle" is taking more time(4-5) hours to complete data load into Orders table, Marketing table. So, without complete data into Orders table, Marketing table the report ("daily report") is using incomplete data and email is sent to executives with wrong/incomplete data at 8:20 am.

    My question : Can I include this report subscription(process of sending report as email) as a SQL AGENT JOB STEP in sql agent job "LoadfromOracle". ???? so that in sql agent job "LoadfromOracle" i have

    step1: loading data from oracle to sql server

    step2: sending report to subscribers as an email attachment

    For step1 i will include OnFailureAction = "Quit the job reporting failure".

    By doing this i can be sure that unless the data load is completed, the report won't be sent to executives. and if step1 fails then step2(sending report) step will not be executed.

    Can any one give me advice on implementing this??

    Thanks for your time!!

    Raj Vardhan

  • as you already have the subscription setup, I would remove the schedule from the T-SQL job which is used to run the subscription, then as step 2 of your load from oracle, issue a SP_START_JOB procedure call to run the subscription job.

    the script below should help you find the right GUID job name for the report.


    U.UserName AS SubscriptionOwner,

    C.Path AS ReportPath,

    CONVERT(XML,S.ExtensionSettings) AS SubscriptionSettings,

    S.EventType AS SubscriptionType,

    CONVERT(XML,S.Parameters) AS ReportParameters,

    S.DeliveryExtension AS DeliveryMethod,

    Sc.Name AS ScheduleName,



    Subscriptions S


    Users U


    S.OwnerID = U.UserID


    Catalog C


    S.Report_OID = C.ItemID


    ReportSchedule RS


    S.SubscriptionID = RS.SubscriptionID


    Schedule Sc


    RS.ScheduleID = Sc.ScheduleID




    Some things I've learned researching this topic in sql 2008 r2.

    1) ssrs scheduled tasks create a corresponding sqlagent job with a nasty guid name that is meaningless

    2) the bidn link above by Mr. Kyle Walker shows the query to retrieve and map the sqlagent guid name to your scheduled ssrs report.

    3) putting all this information together with the msdb.dbo.sp_start_job, you can manage your scheduled reports within sql agent jobs with much flexibility.

    I'm not sure I'm going to like managing this set up though during deployment of a new ssrs report? We'll see.

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