How to select the inherited values in hierarchical data structure is efficient way

  • I have hierarchical data structure with [State] as top level, [Region] as intermediate level and [Branch] as leaf level.

    Region can have either [Region] as parent or [State]. ie hierarchy can have multilevel region.

    Ex1. S1 -> R1 -> R2 -> B1

    Ex2. S2-> R4 -> B2

    Ex3. S3-> B3



    StateID, Name, ProfileID


    RegionID, Name, Parent_RegionID, StateID, ProfileID


    BranchID, Name,RegionID,StateID,ProfileID



    The requirement is to get all branch’s Profile details(Grp1_V1, Grp1_V2, Grp2_V2) based the settings in the resp group flags (IsGrp1_inherited, IsGrp2_inherited). If IsGrp1_inherited = 1 then the profile details should be from its parent. ie from hierarchy Ex1: If IsGrp1_inherited = 1 then B1’s Grp1 profile details should from R1 and if R1’s IsGrp1_inherited = 1 then B1’s Grp1 profile details should from R2

    The first way to get this is to create UDF for each values and use it in the select statement as,


    BranchID, Name,

    Grp1_V1 = case when IsGrp1_inherited = 0 then Grp1_V1

    else dbo.udf_getInheritedGrp_V1(BranchID) end,

    Grp1_V2 = case when IsGrp1_inherited = 0 then Grp1_V2

    else dbo.udf_getInheritedGrp_V2(BranchID) end, on

    From Branch

    But the actual Profile table has around 30 groups and 80 fields. From the above approach the udf is called for all values if inherited which is more cost effective and affect the performance.Also its tedious to create 80 udf’s.

    The other plan is to create udf for each group and not for each values. Ie the function returns inherited values of resp grp with seperators and parse each value in the outer query as below.

    select BranchID, Name,

    Grp1_V1 = (PARSE value from Grp1),

    Grp1_V2 = (PARSE value from Grp1), so on



    BranchID, Name,

    Grp1 = case when IsGrp1_inherited = 0 then Grp1_V2

    else dbo.udf_getInheritedGrp1(BranchID) end, on

    From Branch


    In this case the number of function call is redused and improves perfomance. Also udf is created only for each groups and not for each values.

    I’m proceeding with the 2nd option.

    Please let me know if there is any other effective way for my requirement.

    Thanks in advance


  • Use a CTE to scan hierarchy in a single tsql command. You need only one function or procedure.

    If you provide a sample data (TSQL script) and expected results, you might get a direct solution.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    XDetails Addin - for SQL Developers - Transaction log myths
  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply. Pls see the ddl scripts and expected output below.

    CREATE TABLE [State](StateID varchar(10), Name varchar(50),ProfileID int)

    CREATE TABLE Region (RegionID varchar(10), Name varchar(50),Parent_RegionID varchar(10), StateID varchar(10), ProfileID int)

    CREATE TABLE Branch (BranchID varchar(10), Name varchar(50),RegionID varchar(10), StateID varchar(10), ProfileID int)

    CREATE TABLE [Profile] (ProfileID INT, Grp1_Inherited BIT, Grp1_V1 VARCHAR(10),Grp1_V2 VARCHAR(10),

    Grp2_inherited BIT, Grp2_V1 VARCHAR(10))

    INSERT INTO [State] VALUES ('S1','State1',1),('S2','State2',2)

    INSERT INTO Region VALUES('R1','Region1',NULL,'S1',3),('R2','Region2',NULL,'S1',4),('R3','Region3','R2','S1',5)

    INSERT INTO Branch VALUES('B1','Branch1','R3','S1',6),('B2','Branch2','R3','S1',7),('B3','Branch3','R2','S1',8)

    INSERT INTO [Profile] VALUES (1,'0','AAA','BBB','0','CCC'),(2,'0','DDD','EEE','0','FFF'),(3,'0','E2F4','SS','1','ZZZ')



    Expected Ouput

    Name Grp1_V1 Grp1_V2 Grp2_V1

    Branch1 Q34 R34 GH5

    Branch2 FG4 DE4 CCC

    Branch3 HJ7 HH3 E3

  • Your profile table and result do not match at Branch2 and Branch3 on field Grp2_V1.

    I'm not sure what are you trying to achieve, but here is how to go through this hierarchy in a single CTE command:

    ;WITH cte as

    (SELECT CurrentId = s.StateID,

    Level = 1,

    Id1 = s.StateID,

    Id2 = convert(varchar(10), null),

    Id3 = convert(varchar(10), null)

    from State s


    union all


    select -- get regions below

    CurrentId = r.RegionID,

    Level = c.Level + 1,

    Id1 = c.Id1,

    Id2 = case when c.Level+1 < 2 then null when c.Level+1 = 2 then r.RegionID else c.Id2 END,

    Id3 = case when c.Level+1 < 3 then null when c.Level+1 = 3 then r.RegionID else c.Id3 END

    from region r

    join cte c

    on r.StateID = c.CurrentId and r.Parent_RegionID is null -- under the state


    r.Parent_RegionID = c.CurrentId -- under the other region


    --select * from cte --<<< Try it

    select c.Id1, c.Id2, c.Id3, b.Name, b.ProfileID

    from cte c

    join Branch b on b.RegionID = c.CurrentId

    From there, you can join with profiles and get the codes you want.



    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    XDetails Addin - for SQL Developers - Transaction log myths
  • Hi,

    Thanks for your comment.

    I think my question is not clear. Branch2 ProfileID is 7. If You look at profile table @ ProfileID 7, Grp2_inherited = 1. It means all values under Grp2 should be inherited from its parent. B2 parent is R3 and R3's profileID is 5. And again ProfileID 5 has Grp2_inherited = 1. So Grp2 value should be inherited from R3's parent which is S1 and it's profileID is 1 which has Grp2_V1 = 'CCC' (Root level will always have Grp2_inherited = 0) . Similarly for others.

    Hence the values categorised in each group should be based on the respective group inherited flag. Its not like whole profile is inherited.



  • Try this. No loops or recursion.




    WHEN b1.Grp1_Inherited = 1 THEN


    WHEN r1.Grp1_Inherited = 1 THEN s1.Grp1_V1

    ELSE r1.Grp1_V1


    ELSE b1.Grp1_V1

    END) AS Grp1_V1


    WHEN b1.Grp1_Inherited = 1 THEN


    WHEN r1.Grp1_Inherited = 1 THEN s1.Grp1_V2

    ELSE r1.Grp1_V2


    ELSE b1.Grp1_V2

    END) AS Grp1_V2


    WHEN b1.Grp2_Inherited = 1 THEN


    WHEN r1.Grp2_Inherited = 1 THEN s1.Grp2_V1

    ELSE r1.Grp2_V1


    ELSE b1.Grp2_V1

    END) AS Grp2_V1


    dbo.State AS s


    dbo.Region AS r

    ON s.StateID = r.StateID


    dbo.Branch AS b

    ON r.RegionID = b.RegionID


    dbo.Profile AS s1

    ON s.ProfileID = s1.ProfileID


    dbo.Profile AS r1

    ON r.ProfileID = r1.ProfileID


    dbo.Profile AS b1

    ON b.ProfileID = b1.ProfileID




  • Hi Steve,

    There can be multiple intermediate hierarchy. There can be n number of Region levels as below

    C1-> R1->R2->R3->R4->B1




  • Then you are probably stuck with using a CTE. Perhaps you can compare the code I offered with the CTE example above to see how you can do a recursive loop through the data while keeping the inheritance relationships correct.

    The best primer I've seen for understanding and creating a CTE is here:


  • I have been using CTE in many cases. But this is a special scenario where we can't use CTE. If you could provide then that will be more helpful.;-)

  • Cte or while loop. Why you can't use cte? You have sql 2000?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    XDetails Addin - for SQL Developers - Transaction log myths
  • Using SQL Server 2008.

    I mean to say we can't use CTE for my requirement since this is not gonna be single column traverse in tree heirarchy. Request to read the Profile table, Hierarchy in the ddl and the output to get clear idea on my requirement. Whichever group is inherited only those list of field value has to be inherited from its parent. But there are also customized group that is directly pulled.

    Please let me know if you need more explanation for my req.

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