How to select first name only ?

  • Hi,

    There is a column for Name with data type varchar 50 the input data is like Alok Kumar, Sunita kuamri, Rohit Gupta Like that. The column contains the data as Combination of First name and second name.

    I would like to write a select query for selecting first part of name like Alok, Sunit, Rohit and so on only, ignoring the second part of name. Please help me.

  • do something like

    select left(Name,charindex(' ',name)) from mytable

    Catch-all queries done right [/url]
    Gail Shaw's Performance Blog[/url]

  • MadAdmin (5/30/2015)

    do something like

    select left(Name,charindex(' ',name)) from mytable

    To cover the possibility of no spaces resulting in a NULL value, try this:

    WITH mytable AS (

    SELECT 'Alok Kumar' AS [Name] UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Sunita kuamri' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Rohit Gupta' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'OopsyDaisy'


    SELECT LEFT([Name], ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(' ',[Name]), 0), LEN([Name]))) AS First_Name

    FROM mytable

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • Since no one mentioned this, I'll jump in: think seriously about restructuring your database table and application to provide and store first name separately from last name. You don't want to be parsing names every time you need to query them.

    Also, you'll always have parse challenges if you leave things as is: what is Mary Anne Bosworth's first name? If you parse on a space, you'll incorrectly return Mary. Is Mary her first name and Anne a middle name? Is her first name "Mary Anne"? You can't tell, no matter how cleverly you parse your data.

    You can't index on last name using a full name column, which is a common way applications look up people, reports sort people, etc. Performance will suffer.

    If you can, I'd fix your data structure problem rather than working around it.


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