How to select a group of select columns in a conditional statement

  • I'm not sure how to ask this.

    This is very common.

    Assume you have an invoice and two possible addresses to use:

    1. Send_To Address

    2. Bill_To Address

    If there is no Bill_To address use the Send_To Address.

    I would like to do something like this:

    --Pseudo code---

    case Bill_To

    when Bill_To is null

    select Send_To address block


    select Bill_To Address block

    end as [Bill To Address]

    Is there a way to group a block of select lines in t-SQL?


    Reference this block of select columns

    -- Sold To

    ,c.NAME as [Sold To Name]

    ,c.ADDR_1 as [Sold To Add1]

    ,c.ADDR_2 as [Sold To Addr2]

    ,c.ADDR_3 as [Sold To Addr3]

    ,c.CITY as [Sold To City]

    ,c.STATE as [Sold To State]

    ,c.ZIPCODE as [Sold To Zip]

    ,c.COUNTRY as [Sold To Country]

    as Sold_To

    and use it on the case statement.

    Yes this is a case of being lazy.

    Thanks in advance.

  • the isnull or coalesce functions can help there:

    coalesce lets you grab more than one alternative, and even finish with a default if all columns were null.


    ISNULL(Send_To_Address,Bill_To_Address) AS Bill_To_Address,

    COALESCE (Send_To_Address,Bill_To_Address,Mail_To_Address, 'Missing') AS Bill_To_Address2


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  • Lowell,

    Thank you.

    Any thoughts on how SoldToAddress could represent all columns in the address?



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