How to see what a SQL Server instance''s Transaction Isolation level is?

  • Hi guys,

    Forgive the simple (perhaps, (not a DBA)) question but could you tell me how can I see what's the current setting re: Transaction Isolation Level of my server?



  • dbcc useroptions and lookfor SetOption = 'isolation level'

  • This is what i get, may be I'm missing something. Any help?


    dbcc useroptions

    Set Option                    Value     


    textsize                      64512

    language                      us_english

    dateformat                    mdy

    datefirst                     7

    quoted_identifier             SET

    arithabort                    SET

    ansi_null_dflt_on             SET

    ansi_defaults                 SET

    ansi_warnings                 SET

    ansi_padding                  SET

    ansi_nulls                    SET

    concat_null_yields_null       SET

    (12 row(s) affected)



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