How to search for replication information messages e.g "The initial snapshot for publication is not yet available."

  • I have been working a lot with replication the last few weeks. The replications I was working on are all running fine.

    Today I got passed a question about missing data. Turns out another servers publication had a subscriber waiting for an initial snapshot.

    Unfortunately, replication monitor doesn't give you any indication that a subscription is waiting for a snapshot.

    Only after deep investigation did I find the cause of the missing data.

    I would really like to set up some kind of alerting explicitly for this scenario, but I don't know where to find this message.

    I have been looking in the logs, but runs for more that 5 mins. before I cancel. Too long for alerting purposes.

    EXEC sp_readerrorlog 0, 1, 'The initial snapshot for publication'

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, 'The initial snapshot for publication', 'is not yet available.', '20140418', '20140419', N'desc'

    Anyone out there know where I can find this text?


  • Replication Monitor does give you that information, but you have to drill-down on the individual tabs. The 'Distributor to Subscriber tab is where you want to look.



  • Lempster (4/24/2014)

    Replication Monitor does give you that information, but you have to drill-down on the individual tabs. The 'Distributor to Subscriber tab is where you want to look.



    Thanks for responding.

    I know that this is visible in replication monitor.

    But where is this message stored?

    I want to create an alert when this message appears.

  • :ermm: I was responding to a particular statement in your original question:

    DennisPost (4/23/2014)

    Unfortunately, replication monitor doesn't give you any indication that a subscription is waiting for a snapshot.

    I don't have any replication set up here so I can't check, but my guess is that errors such as this would be stored in the MSrepl_errors table in msdb



  • Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

    I ended up turning this into a job.

    I'll share it after it's been tried and proven.


    FROMDistribution.dbo.MSdistribution_agents DA

    INNER JOIN Distribution.dbo.MSdistribution_history DH

    ON DA.ID = DH.Agent_ID

    WHEREDH.Comments LIKE 'The initial snapshot for article ''%'' is not yet available.'


    Note : The comment text is not the same as what is displayed in Replication Monitor.

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