How to script include columns of index

  • How can I script include columns from the index.

    We can script Table Name of the Index, Index columns of the Index but how do we script include columns of the Index?

  • How are you trying to script the Index, I did try and could script the included columns..

    Bru Medishetty

    Blog -- LearnSQLWithBru

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  • sihaab (2/11/2010)

    How can I script include columns from the index.

    We can script Table Name of the Index, Index columns of the Index but how do we script include columns of the Index?

    Here's what I use for scripting out all indexes. You'll need to make appropriate variables. The key is the sys.index_columns table and the column is_included_column. There is even a line commented out that will handle filtered indexes in 2008.

    declare cIXs cursor for


    'IF NOT EXISTS (select 1 from sys.indexes where object_id = OBJECT_ID(''' + QuoteName(schema_name(st.schema_id)) + '.' +

    QuoteName(Object_Name(si.object_id)) + ''') and name = ''' + si.Name + ''') begin' + @CRLF +

    ' PRINT ''Creating index ' + QUOTENAME( + ' ON ' + QuoteName(schema_name(st.schema_id)) + '.' + QuoteName(Object_Name(si.object_id)) + '''' + @CRLF +

    ' CREATE ' + si.type_desc + ' INDEX ' + QuoteName(si.Name) +

    ' ON ' + QuoteName(SCHEMA_NAME(st.schema_id)) + '.' + QuoteName(Object_Name(si.object_id)) + ' (INDEXCOLUMNLIST) ' +

    CASE when @DestServerVersion = 2000 then '--' else '' end + @CRLF +

    ' WITH (PAD_INDEX = ' + case when si.is_padded = 0 then 'OFF' else 'ON' end +

    ', FILLFACTOR = ' + CASE WHEN si.fill_factor = 0 then '100' else CONVERT(varchar(5), si.fill_factor) end +

    ', STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF' + -- is this meta-data?

    ', SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF' +

    ', IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ' + case when si.ignore_dup_key = 0 then 'OFF' else 'ON' end +


    --', ONLINE = ' +

    ', ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ' + case when si.allow_row_locks = 0 then 'OFF' else 'ON' end +

    ', ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ' + case when si.allow_page_locks = 0 then 'OFF' else 'ON' end +

    --CASE when si.filter_definition is null then '' else ' WHERE ' + si.filter_definition end +

    ')' + @CRLF +

    'end' COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS,



    from sys.indexes si

    INNER JOIN sys.tables st ON si.object_id = st.object_id

    where si.type > 0

    and is_primary_key = 0

    and is_unique_constraint = 0

    order by,

    open cIXs

    fetch next from cIXs into @cmd, @tableid, @indexid

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin

    select @csv = (

    select ',' + QuoteName( + ' ' + case when is_descending_key = 0 then 'ASC' else 'DESC' end

    from sys.indexes si

    INNER JOIN sys.index_columns sic ON si.object_id = sic.object_id and si.index_id = sic.index_id

    INNER JOIN sys.columns sc ON sc.object_id = sic.object_id and sc.column_id = sic.column_id

    where si.object_id = @tableid

    and si.index_id = @indexid

    and sic.is_included_column = 0

    order by sic.index_column_id

    for XML PATH(''))

    set @csv = substring(@csv, 2, len(@csv))

    select @child = (

    select ',' + QuoteName( --+ ' ' + case when is_descending_key = 0 then 'ASC' else 'DESC' end

    from sys.indexes si

    INNER JOIN sys.index_columns sic ON si.object_id = sic.object_id and si.index_id = sic.index_id

    INNER JOIN sys.columns sc ON sc.object_id = sic.object_id and sc.column_id = sic.column_id

    where si.object_id = @tableid

    and si.index_id = @indexid

    and sic.is_included_column = 1

    order by sic.index_column_id

    for XML PATH(''))

    set @child = IsNull(')' + @CRLF + ' INCLUDE (' + substring(@child,2,len(@child)), '')

    set @cmd = replace(@cmd, 'INDEXCOLUMNLIST', @csv + @child)

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
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  • Thank you all.

  • Sounds like you are looking for more of a script that will generate all your tables. But, you can also script out the table with the idexes via SSMS if you change some of the settings under Tools/Options/Sql Server Object Explorer/Scripting specifially under the section Table and View Options.

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