How to run Job from Job in ActiveX script or other.

  • Hello,

    I have 'ABC' Job. It should be start with the certain condition that in the Table1. I need to have other job that will every day check this condition and  run ABC job.

    select count(*)CNT from Table1 where convert(varchar,GenDate,101) = convert(varchar,Getdate(),101)

    If CNT=1 then

    run ABC job


    end if



  • Look up sp_start_job in BOL.

  • I did exec msdb..sp_start_job @job_name='ABC' but ActiveX script does not like it. Only I can run this code in transact-SQL script.

    I have code:

    SQL= "select count(*)CNT from AuctionLotteryAdmin_tbl where convert (varchar,GenWinDate,101) = convert(char(10),Getdate(),101)"

    Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    CONN.OPEN "abcd","admin","123"

    Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL)

    if CNT=1 then

    ???????? exec msdb..sp_start_job @job_name='ABC' 

    end if


  • Which error are you getting?

    Are you using Conn.Execute("exec msdb..sp_start_job @job_name='ABC'")?

    Or something like that, it's been a while since I've used VBScript 🙂

  • Thanks. I solve the problem by using regular sp.


    @CNT int

    DECLARE autorun_cursor CURSOR FOR select count(*)CNT from Table1 where convert(varchar,GenWinDate,101) = convert(char(10),Getdate(),101)

    OPEN autorun_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM autorun_cursor




    IF @CNT = 1

    exec msdb..sp_start_job @job_name='ABC'

    FETCH NEXT FROM autorun_cursor INTO @CNT


    CLOSE autorun_cursor

    DEALLOCATE autorun_cursor

  • Great.

    But I'm missing something, why is the cursor needed here?

    Wouldn't the following code do the same?

    Declare @CNT int

    select @CNT = count(*) from Table1 where convert(varchar,GenWinDate,101) = convert(char(10),Getdate(),101)

    IF @CNT = 1

      exec msdb..sp_start_job @job_name='ABC'

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