How to run another script in the same session

  • I am new to SQL Server (was an Oracle DBA), and am trying to figure out how to run another .sql script from the current one. I know I can use xp_cmdshell, but then it's a different connection, plus I have to basically re-login via the command line. In Oracle (SQL*Plus), you can just write "@other_script" or "run other_script" and it uses the SQL_PATH env variable to find the script, load it and run it in the current connection.

    e.g. I have some utility scripts -- one that disables all foreign keys, and another that enables them. When I script ddl/dml changes, it's often helpful to disable fk's at the top, and re-enable them at the bottom. I don't want to copy and paste all that code, rather I'd like to just call out to the scripts.

    Similarly, I have a script that creates the schema, tables and loads sample data. Instead of one huge script to do it all, I want a single controlling script that invokes several other scripts, so I can divide the work up into more logical, manageable scripts. I imagine something like:

    -- create app schema

    print 'creating application schema...'

    print 'creating tables'

    -- run createTables.sql

    print 'creating dictionary data...'

    -- run dictionary.sql

    [...more of same...]

    print 'done'

    Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!


  • How 'bout something like this in a BAT file

    SET ChangeRecord=Maintenance

    SET LOGDIR="C:\Logs\%ChangeRecord%"


    SET LOG=%LOGDIR%\%ChangeRecord%_runsql.log

    SET PREFIX=%LOGDIR%\maint.

    SET SRVNAME=MyServerName

    SET DB=YourDB

    ECHO. > %LOG%

    osql  -S%SRVNAME% -E -n   -d%DB% -i "C:\Stored Procedures\Disable_FK.sql" -o %PREFIX%Disable_FK.sql.err >> %LOG%

    osql  -S%SRVNAME% -E -n   -d%DB% -i "C:\Stored Procedures\Enable_FK.sql" -o %PREFIX%Enable_FK.sql.err >> %LOG%

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • That's good input. I'm really looking for the ability to run multiple sql scripts in a single database connection. I'm thinking it doesn't exist.

    Thanks, though.


  • Why not call usp_Umbrella which inside would do:

    EXEC usp_Maintenance1

    EXEC usp_Maintenance2


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

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