How to rotate columns into rows

  • Hi All,

    I have the below query which retuns one row of data, how can I get the data grouped on the column aliases so i can have five rows for each column with the count side by side.

    SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) < 1 THEN 1

    END) AS '< 1' ,

    COUNT(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) > 1

    AND DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) <= 3 THEN 1

    END) AS '>1 and <= 3' ,

    COUNT(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) > 3

    AND DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) <= 5 THEN 1

    END) AS '>3 and <= 5' ,

    COUNT(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) > 5

    AND DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) <= 10 THEN 1

    END) AS '>5 and <=10' ,

    COUNT(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) > 10 THEN 1

    END) AS '>10'

    FROM Table

    Thanks in advance

  • Try this

    SELECT range , Count FROM


    SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) < 1 THEN 1

    END) AS '< 1' ,

    COUNT(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) > 1

    AND DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) <= 3 THEN 1

    END) AS '>1 and <= 3' ,

    COUNT(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) > 3

    AND DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) <= 5 THEN 1

    END) AS '>3 and <= 5' ,

    COUNT(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) > 5

    AND DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) <= 10 THEN 1

    END) AS '>5 and <=10' ,

    COUNT(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, createdon, modifiedon) > 10 THEN 1

    END) AS '>10'

    FROM Table

    ) P



    Count for range IN


    [< 1], [>1 and <= 3], [>3 and <= 5], [>5 and <=10], [>10]


    ) AS UP

    Vaibhav K Tiwari
    To walk fast walk alone
    To walk far walk together

  • Convert the existing query to derived table and apply UNPIVOT operator on the columns.


  • Thanks this did the trick.

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