How to Rollback SP3 ?

  • We are about to start updating our servers to SP3. We will obviously be backing up all of the databases before we do the installation.

    However If we discover that we are having issues with our databases after the update, is it possible to roll it back. My understanding is that the resource database holds all of the update information. If we have any issues should we just copy our backup version of the resource database over the original?

  • I have to say, I haven't started rolling out SP3 yet, but unless it's changed significantly from SP2, rolling back aint pretty.

    Effectively, the MS advice is uninstall/re-install SQL Server including all the SP's and Cumulative Updates you had installed previously, then restore all the system DB's (master,model,msdb etc.) from backups followed by the user DB's!

  • Howard is correct the only backout is to uninstall\reinstall. Do yourself a favour, before starting the upgrade, stop the instance and do a file copy of the system databases to another location. You then have the option of copying these back to the correct location after the reinstall if restores fail. Once the master is restored your user databases should appear again because user databases files are not removed by the uninstall.

    I also script out system level info such as logins, jobs, ssis packages as a third recovery option!

    I have installed SP3 a number of times without problems (on 32 bit standalone servers). It seems pretty robust. Just make sure you have a backout plan.


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