how to rewrite this qurey

  • Hi all

    I have a situation here... have a look at this query...







    case count(aview_posting_location.posting_location_id)

     when 0 then 'No Locations'

     when 1 then

     (select site_name from aview_posting_location a

      where a.posting_location_id = max(aview_posting_location.posting_location_id))

     else 'Multiple Locations'

     end  as posting_loc,

    posting_sdate as 'noneff_sdate',

    posting_edate as 'noneff_edate',

    convert(int, posting_edate - posting_sdate) + 1

    as ObjectLife

    FROM aview_posting

    join aview_Post

    on aview_posting.Post_Id = aview_post.Post_id and

    /*  where */

    aview_posting.ID_Number = '003029.2003291728220620.001'

    and aview_posting.posting_sdate < '31 Dec 9999' and aview_posting.posting_edate > '01 Jan 1900'


    join aview_posting_type

    on aview_posting_type.Pg_type_id=aview_posting.Pg_type_id

    left join aview_posting_location on aview_posting_location.posting_id = aview_posting.posting_id

     and   '01 Jan 1900' < aview_posting_location.valid_to_date  and aview_posting_location.valid_from_date < '31 Dec 9999'

    group by






    posting_sdate ,

    posting_edate ,

    convert(int, posting_edate - posting_sdate) + 1


    It is the count statement (which is in BOLD) that is a problem for me..

    I have to rewrite the above query so that it shouldnt count the posting location ids. It should identify different posting location ids and output the site_name. Now the above query returns 'Multiple Locations' by just counting the Posting Location IDs. Even though they are different and dont overlap i still get that message (Multiple Locations).

    I need to find a way to identify if the posting location ids are the same or different. If same, 'Multiple Locations' should come up else i need the site name corresponding to that posting location id. The case statement part should be rewritten i suppose to accomodate the changes by checking the valid from, to dates of the posting.

    Every posting has a valid from and valid to date. the posting locations can be different. so i need to output the posting locations based on valid from/to dates not by counting the posting location ids. Even though the posting dont overlap i still get 'Multiple Locations' (as in the case statement). that needs to be rewritten.

    posting1 - 22/11/2004 to 14/01/2005

    posting2 - 19/01/2005 to 21/03/2005

    if the posting locations overlap, Multiple Locations message is correct.

    Can anybody help???



  • Hi

    i think i solved the problem.

    thanks any ways

  • Vijay, mind to share the solution for future reference?

  • I don't understand that part about from/to dates much, but the statement with COUNT should probably be :

    case count(DISTINCT aview_posting_location.posting_location_id)

    However, I'm suspicious of the (select site_name ...) inside the same CASE, I would probably prefer (select max(site_name) from aview_posting_location a

      where a.posting_location_id = aview_posting_location.posting_location_id). Maybe the original is correct, I don't know... anyway this version seems more understandable to me.

  • Thanks for your efforts guys...

    I solved it by using the distinct keyword and used site_name in place of posting_location_id in the Count statement!!!

    Now i can count the site_name field and display it.


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