How to return Scope_Identity

  • If I have 2 insert statements, one inserting into a Users table of DatabaseA and another Inserting into a Users table of DatabaseB on the same server, how can I tell the Scope_Identity to scope the returned identity based off the second insert, not the first?=

  • Did you read Books On Line ?


    Returns the last IDENTITY value inserted into an IDENTITY column in the same scope. A scope is a module -- a stored procedure, trigger, function, or batch. Thus, two statements are in the same scope if they are in the same stored procedure, function, or batch.

    If you want SCOPE_IDENTITY() for the 2nd INSERT, then simply call SCOPE_IDENTITY() after the 2nd INSERT.


  • another solution would be to use IDENT_CURRENT('table_name')


  • Why would you use IDENT_CURRENT() ?


    Returns the last identity value generated for a specified table in any session and any scope.

    So, another session on your SQL Server could insert a new row a couple of milliseconds after yours, and you'd have the wrong identity value in your batch. Typically you want to grab an identity in order to insert subsequent records with the correct foreign key, so you have potential to royally screw up the integrity of your data using this function.


  • That's exactly what I did, but it's still taking the identity of the first insert!!!


          INSERT INTO Users (AspNetUserID, Active, CreateUserID) VALUES (@NewUserId, 1, 0)


                IF (NOT EXISTS (SELECT UserID from InstantForum414.dbo.InstantASP_Users

                WHERE InstantForum414.dbo.InstantASP_Users.EmailAddress = @Email

                OR InstantForum414.dbo.InstantASP_Users.Username = @UserName))




                INSERT INTO InstantForum414.dbo.InstantASP_Users

                            (EmailAddress, Username, Password)


                            (@Email, @UserName, @Password)


                SET @NewForumUserID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()



                UPDATE Users SET InstantASP_UserID = @NewForumUserID

                WHERE Users.UserID = @NewUserID





    I know that, I don't want this though, that's too risky.  I want only in this scope.  There could be another process that performs an insert on that table giving me a sh## value back in my stored proc

  • >>That's exactly what I did, but it's still taking the identity of the first insert!!!

    Does the table being inserted to actually have an identity column ? Post the DDL.


  • Refresh, i had posted the wrong code, now look at what I originally had.  I tried putting an Identity_scope right after the second insert and it still took the first.

  • Yes, both tables have an identity

    Users.UserID - identity column of DB1.Users table

    InstantASP_Users.UserID - identity column of DB2.InstantASP_Users table

    both databases are on the same server.

  • The 2nd INSERT is happening inside a conditional IF block.

    Are you certain the 2nd INSERT is actually inserting ? Have you added PRINT debugging to verify that everything inside the IF is actually being executed ?


  • You prlby need to initialize the @NewForumUserID to NULL before the insert.

    Dinakar Nethi
    Life is short. Enjoy it.

  • I think there is no problem actually after testing more.  I think that it is returning the identity of the second insert since the  Scope_Identity was placed after the second insert.

    I was fooled because I was getting a datatype error saying it couldn't convert the ID  it was returning to another datatype in another one of my statements.

    But actually it was a problem with another update statement.  So anyway, it's fine.

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