March 15, 2019 at 9:30 am
I have Historical T-SQL query as below:
SELECT 'North Historical' AS Region
, Grouping_Level
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDValue ), 2 ) ) AS MTDValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDTarget ), 2 ) ) AS MTDTarget
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DEValue ), 2 ) ) AS DEValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DETarget ), 2 ) ) AS DETarget
FROM [MISReporting].[dbo].[tbl_DailyE2E_Div]
WHERE Region IN ( 'TOP North Historical' )
GROUP BY Grouping_Level
that returns the below dataset:
I have National T-SQL query as below:
SELECT 'North National' AS Region
, Grouping_Level
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDValue ), 2 ) ) AS MTDValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDTarget ), 2 ) ) AS MTDTarget
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DEValue ), 2 ) ) AS DEValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DETarget ), 2 ) ) AS DETarget
FROM [MISReporting].[dbo].[tbl_DailyE2E_Div]
WHERE Region IN ( 'TOP North National')
GROUP BY Grouping_Level
that returns the below dataset:
However, I have wrapped both queries into an INNER JOIN to be able to do a subtraction between two values, one from each table. Below is my full query:
'North Central' AS Region
, nh.Grouping_Level AS Grouping_Level
, ( nh.MTDValue - nn.MTDValue ) AS MTDValue
, ( nh.MTDTarget - nn.MTDTarget ) AS MTDTarget
, ( nh.DEValue - nn.DEValue ) AS DEValue
, ( nh.DETarget - nn.DETarget ) AS DETarget
SELECT 'North Historical' AS Region
, Grouping_Level
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDValue ), 2 ) ) AS MTDValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDTarget ), 2 ) ) AS MTDTarget
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DEValue ), 2 ) ) AS DEValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DETarget ), 2 ) ) AS DETarget
FROM [MISReporting].[dbo].[tbl_DailyE2E_Div]
WHERE Region IN ( 'TOP North Historical' )
GROUP BY Grouping_Level ) AS nh
SELECT 'North National' AS Region
, Grouping_Level
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDValue ), 2 ) ) AS MTDValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDTarget ), 2 ) ) AS MTDTarget
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DEValue ), 2 ) ) AS DEValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DETarget ), 2 ) ) AS DETarget
FROM [MISReporting].[dbo].[tbl_DailyE2E_Div]
WHERE Region IN ( 'TOP North National')
GROUP BY Grouping_Level ) AS nn
ON nh.Grouping_Level = nn.Grouping_Level
The returned dataset is:
How do I make it so the subtraction is performed when the INNER JOIN is satisfied, otherwise do the following:
1) The Historical value is returned if this side of the join has a value
2) The National value is returned if this side of the join has a value BUT this value needs to be a negative number as the calculation would be, in affect, 0/empty - the National value (a double negative must remain a negative).
3) If the value doesn't exist in either table a 0 (zero) is returned.
Please help (amend my query to meet the requirements)?
Thanks in advance.
March 15, 2019 at 9:42 am
I don't really know, but here's a guess:SELECT
'North Central' AS Region
, nh.Grouping_Level AS Grouping_Level
, (COALESCE(nh.MTDValue,0) - COALESCE(nn.MTDValue,0) ) AS MTDValue
, (COALESCE(nh.MTDTarget,0) - COALESCE(nn.MTDTarget,0) ) AS MTDTarget
, (COALESCE(nh.DEValue,0) - COALESCE(nn.DEValue,0) ) AS DEValue
, (COALESCE(nh.DETarget,0) - COALESCE(nn.DETarget,0) ) AS DETarget
SELECT 'North Historical' AS Region
, Grouping_Level
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDValue ), 2 ) ) AS MTDValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDTarget ), 2 ) ) AS MTDTarget
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DEValue ), 2 ) ) AS DEValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DETarget ), 2 ) ) AS DETarget
FROM [MISReporting].[dbo].[tbl_DailyE2E_Div]
WHERE Region IN ( '########' )
GROUP BY Grouping_Level ) AS nh
SELECT 'North National' AS Region
, Grouping_Level
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDValue ), 2 ) ) AS MTDValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDTarget ), 2 ) ) AS MTDTarget
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DEValue ), 2 ) ) AS DEValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DETarget ), 2 ) ) AS DETarget
FROM [MISReporting].[dbo].[tbl_DailyE2E_Div]
WHERE Region IN ( '########' )
GROUP BY Grouping_Level ) AS nn
ON nh.Grouping_Level = nn.Grouping_Level
If that's not what you're looking for, please provide table DDL in the form of CREATE TABLE statements, sample data in the form of INSERT statements, and expected results.
March 15, 2019 at 10:05 am
Hi John, having tried using COALESCE I find it doesn't achieve what I require. The full query continues to return nothing due to the join not being satisifed and no 0 (zero) is being substituted. Thanks.
March 15, 2019 at 10:09 am
Have you tried FULL JOIN instead of INNER?
March 15, 2019 at 10:18 am
Hi Jonathan,
Using a FULL JOIN in place of an INNER JOIN returns the below dataset:
So it does return some data, however in the Grouping_Level column only CoS Adj value/heading is returned. The five remaining rows need to have their Grouping_Level values/heading returned which are those shown in the National query's dataset as shown above (in the OP).
March 15, 2019 at 10:50 am
You're joining on grouping level, but the grouping levels don't match. Is there something else that should match? Or are you trying to ensure the single row from the national level is applied to every other one?
March 15, 2019 at 11:53 am
chocthree - Friday, March 15, 2019 10:18 AMHi Jonathan,
Using a FULL JOIN in place of an INNER JOIN returns the below dataset:So it does return some data, however in the Grouping_Level column only CoS Adj value/heading is returned. The five remaining rows need to have their Grouping_Level values/heading returned which are those shown in the National query's dataset as shown above (in the OP).
With an INNER JOIN, it doesn't matter whether you're pulling nh.Grouping_Level or nn.Grouping_Level, because they will be the same based on the join conditions. That's not true with a FULL OUTER JOIN. You're only looking at one, when you need to look at both.
J. Drew Allen
Business Intelligence Analyst
Philadelphia, PA
March 15, 2019 at 12:21 pm
chocthree - Friday, March 15, 2019 10:18 AMHi Jonathan,
Using a FULL JOIN in place of an INNER JOIN returns the below dataset:So it does return some data, however in the Grouping_Level column only CoS Adj value/heading is returned. The five remaining rows need to have their Grouping_Level values/heading returned which are those shown in the National query's dataset as shown above (in the OP).
It would be easier for us to understand if you gave us the data in the tables and the output you expect from the query.
March 15, 2019 at 1:36 pm
Jonathan AC Roberts - Friday, March 15, 2019 12:21 PMchocthree - Friday, March 15, 2019 10:18 AMHi Jonathan,
Using a FULL JOIN in place of an INNER JOIN returns the below dataset:So it does return some data, however in the Grouping_Level column only CoS Adj value/heading is returned. The five remaining rows need to have their Grouping_Level values/heading returned which are those shown in the National query's dataset as shown above (in the OP).
It would be easier for us to understand if you gave us the data in the tables and the output you expect from the query.
Yes, DDL and test data + expected outcome would be very welcome.
Lacking that, how about something like this:SELECT
'North Central' AS Region
, COALESCE(nh.Grouping_Level, nn.Grouping_Level) AS Grouping_Level
, (COALESCE(nh.MTDValue,0) - CASE WHEN nn.MTDValue IS NOT NULL AND nn.MTDValue < 0 THEN nn.MTDValue ELSE 0 END) AS MTDValue
, (COALESCE(nh.MTDTarget,0) - CASE WHEN nn.MTDTarget IS NOT NULL AND nn.MTDTarget < 0 THEN nn.MTDTarget ELSE 0 END) AS MTDTarget
, (COALESCE(nh.DEValue,0) - CASE WHEN nn.DEValue IS NOT NULL AND nn.DEValue < 0 THEN nn.DEValue ELSE 0 END) AS DEValue
, (COALESCE(nh.DETarget,0) - CASE WHEN nn.DETarget IS NOT NULL AND nn.DETarget < 0 THEN nn.DETarget ELSE 0 END) AS DETarget
'North Historical' AS Region
, Grouping_Level
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDValue ), 2 ) ) AS MTDValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDTarget ), 2 ) ) AS MTDTarget
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DEValue ), 2 ) ) AS DEValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DETarget ), 2 ) ) AS DETarget
FROM [MISReporting].[dbo].[tbl_DailyE2E_Div]
WHERE Region IN ( '########' )
GROUP BY Grouping_Level
) AS nh
'North National' AS Region
, Grouping_Level
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDValue ), 2 ) ) AS MTDValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), MTDTarget ), 2 ) ) AS MTDTarget
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DEValue ), 2 ) ) AS DEValue
, SUM( ROUND( CONVERT( DECIMAL( 36,2 ), DETarget ), 2 ) ) AS DETarget
FROM [MISReporting].[dbo].[tbl_DailyE2E_Div]
WHERE Region IN ( '########' )
GROUP BY Grouping_Level
) AS nn
ON nh.Grouping_Level = nn.Grouping_Level
March 17, 2019 at 10:37 am
chocthree - Friday, March 15, 2019 9:30 AMHow do I make it so the subtraction is performed when the INNER JOIN is satisfied, otherwise do the following:
1) The Historical value is returned if this side of the join has a value
2) The National value is returned if this side of the join has a value BUT this value needs to be a negative number as the calculation would be, in affect, 0/empty - the National value (a double negative must remain a negative).
3) If the value doesn't exist in either table a 0 (zero) is returned.Please help (amend my query to meet the requirements)?
Thanks in advance.
The problem - I believe - is that you want a list of all possible grouping_levels but you have not included anything that will contain that list. Based on your queries - you will have a value in either the historical or national query and therefore you will never encounter item 3 above.
For Item 2 - I am not sure what you mean by a double negative must remain a negative. For example, if the historical value does not exist and the national value is negative - what value should be returned? If the historical value exists - but is less than or equal to 0.00 - and the national value is negative - what value should be returned?
With allGroupingLevels (Region, Grouping_Level)
As (
Select Distinct
'North Central'
, dd.Grouping_Level
From MISReporting.dbo.tbl_DailyE2E_Div dd
Where dd.Region In ('TOP North Historical', 'TOP North National')
, historicalTotals (Grouping_Level, MTDValue, MTDTarget, DEValue, DETarget)
As (
Select Grouping_Level
, sum(round(convert(decimal(36, 2), dd.MTDValue), 2))
, sum(round(convert(decimal(36, 2), dd.MTDTarget), 2))
, sum(round(convert(decimal(36, 2), dd.DEValue), 2))
, sum(round(convert(decimal(36, 2), dd.DETarget), 2))
From MISReporting.dbo.tbl_DailyE2E_Div dd
Where dd.Region = 'TOP North Historical'
Group By
, nationalTotals (Grouping_Level, MTDValue, MTDTarget, DEValue, DETarget)
As (
Select Grouping_Level
, sum(round(convert(decimal(36, 2), dd.MTDValue), 2))
, sum(round(convert(decimal(36, 2), dd.MTDTarget), 2))
, sum(round(convert(decimal(36, 2), dd.DEValue), 2))
, sum(round(convert(decimal(36, 2), dd.DETarget), 2))
From MISReporting.dbo.tbl_DailyE2E_Div dd
Where dd.Region = 'TOP North National'
Group By
Select agl.Region
, agl.Grouping_Level
, MTDValue = coalesce(nh.MTDValue, 0.00) - coalesce(iif(coalesce(nh.MTDValue, 0.00) <= 0.00, (nn.MTDValue * -1), nn.MTDValue), 0.00)
, MTDTarget = coalesce(nh.MTDTarget, 0.00) - coalesce(iif(coalesce(nh.MTDTarget, 0.00) <= 0.00, (nn.MTDTarget * -1), nn.MTDTarget), 0.00)
, DEValue = coalesce(nh.DEValue, 0.00) - coalesce(iif(coalesce(nh.DEValue, 0.00) <= 0.00, (nn.DEValue * -1), nn.DEValue), 0.00)
, DETarget = coalesce(nh.DETarget, 0.00) - coalesce(iif(coalesce(nh.DETarget, 0.00) <= 0.00, (nn.DETarget * -1), nn.DEValue), 0.00)
From allGroupingLevels agl
Left Join historicalTotals nh On nh.Grouping_Level = agl.Grouping_Level
Left Join nationalTotals nn On nn.Grouping_Level = agl.Grouping_Level;
Here is what I think you are looking for - but this will not satisfy item 3. In order to satisfy item 3 - you would need a complete list of all available grouping levels. If you can identify the query that produces that list - or a table that contains that list - you can put it in place of the query used in the allGroupingLevels CTE.
Jeffrey Williams
“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”
― Charles R. Swindoll
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Managing Transaction Logs
March 20, 2019 at 4:41 am
Thank you all for your responses.
There is a winner and that is Jeffrey Williams' post. I had to tweak it slightly to handle the negative values. Jeffrey, I know you required clarification on the negative comments but yoru post helped me to just put the cherry on the cake.
Thank you all again. I've learnt another trick if I have the same scenario in the future.
March 20, 2019 at 2:42 pm
chocthree - Wednesday, March 20, 2019 4:41 AMThank you all for your responses.
There is a winner and that is Jeffrey Williams' post. I had to tweak it slightly to handle the negative values. Jeffrey, I know you required clarification on the negative comments but yoru post helped me to just put the cherry on the cake.
Thank you all again. I've learnt another trick if I have the same scenario in the future.
Glad I could help - so what tweaks did you make for the negative values?
Jeffrey Williams
“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”
― Charles R. Swindoll
How to post questions to get better answers faster
Managing Transaction Logs
March 21, 2019 at 2:49 am
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
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