How to return a quarter for every person

  • If I have a person table and a fiscal quarter table (for rows for each year) is there a way to merge the two so I can get four rows returned for each employee? There is nothing to "JOIN" the two.

    The eventual goal is to JOIN it with a third table of actvities and each activity will match up with an employeeid and quarter. We want to get ALL four quarters for ALL employees - even if there were no actvities for a quarter. In other words we want to report on quarters for employees that did nothing for the quarters as well as the multiple activities a person might have had in a quarter.


    Kindest Regards,

    Patrick Allmond
    For all of your laptop, camera, power tool and portable battery needs.

  • You mean something like this?

    Select, dtQuarters.DateStart, dtQuarters.DateEnd from dbo.SysObjects O cross join


    Select '2005/01/01' as DateStart, '2005/03/31' as DateEnd

    union all

    Select '2005/04/01' as DateStart, '2005/06/30' as DateEnd

    union all

    Select '2005/07/01' as DateStart, '2005/09/30' as DateEnd

    union all

    Select '2005/10/01' as DateStart, '2005/12/31' as DateEnd

    ) dtQuarters

    Order by O.Name, dtQuarters.DateStart

  • If you already have a Quarter table, this may work as well. 


    CREATE TABLE #Person( [ID] integer,

                                         [Name] varchar(20))

    INSERT INTO #Person

    SELECT 1, 'Joe Smith'


    SELECT 2, 'Jane Jones'

    CREATE TABLE #Quarter( Qrtr smalldatetime)

    INSERT INTO #Quarter

    SELECT '01/01/2005'


    SELECT '04/01/2005'


    SELECT '07/01/2005'


    SELECT '10/01/2005'

    SELECT [ID], Qrtr

    FROM #Person, #Quarter


    DROP TABLE #Person

    DROP TABLE #Quarter

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Absolutely incredible. Thank you very much. I had no idea what a cross join was or that it even existed. We are cheering in the streets here.

    Kindest Regards,

    Patrick Allmond
    For all of your laptop, camera, power tool and portable battery needs.

  • Actually what Farrell proposed is the same solution than mine with an older syntaxe, if you don't specify a join in a query with multiple tables, then a cross join is executed.

  • Correct.  I was just working under the assumption they had a populated Quarter table... 

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Your assumption is correct. We felt we had to prepop a quarter table to get out what we wanted.

    Kindest Regards,

    Patrick Allmond
    For all of your laptop, camera, power tool and portable battery needs.

  • You don't HAVE TO but it's better than doing a derived table like I did since it can be modified in the table instead of in the procs...

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