April 30, 2003 at 2:46 am
If I have a query like this :
set @sql='select count(*) from '+ @table
execute (@sql)
How can I retrieve the result of the count (or any function returning a single result) ? Please note that the table name is in a variable, thus the usage of dynamic sql.
Thanks in advance,
April 30, 2003 at 3:35 am
I've solved this by creating a temporary stored procedure:
declare @sqlstring nvarchar(1000), @table varchar(25), @count int
set @table = 'table'
select @sqlstring = 'create procedure #count @count int output
select @count = count(*)
from ' + @table
/* print @sqlstring */
exec sp_executesql @sqlstring
exec #count @count output
print @count
drop procedure #count
There are probably lots of reasons not to do this but I find it works well.
May 1, 2003 at 1:34 am
That's much neater and probably a lot quicker - I'll being using that in future.
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