How to restore

  • hi

    for always restoration, check the property back of extension like .bak

    and location of path u can easily identify and restore the db



  • for always restoration, check the property back of extension like .bak

    I dont get you.. Can you pls clarify.

    In SQL Server 2005, It's not essential that backup should have ".BAK" extention. If am not wrong, you can give any extension to your backup file (eg. ".doc"). Infact even MDF & LDF files can have any file extension.

    But yes, it's advisable to have ".BAK" extenstion for backup files for convenience.

  • when you select the path for restore change the files of type to all files. You will be able to see the .bak file now. if the backup has been directly taken from another application or the file extension was not given .bak you will not find it in the lookups

  • when you select the path for restore change the files of type to all files. You will be able to see the .bak file now. if the backup has been directly taken from another application or the file extension was not given .bak you will not find it in the lookups

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