How to Replace Carriage Return & Line Feedf from Text Field

  • Hi,

    I am developing a SSIS Package and one of the Text field has values with Carriage Return and Line Feed {CR|LF}.  I would like to replace this with '' or any semi colon.  I can do that for any column but this is TEXT column and I cannot use the REPLACE function in the query.  Is there any work around for this?  Any suggestions will be appreciated.

    I'm using SELECT REPLACE(col, 'CHAR(13)', '')  and for CHAR(10) but throwing an error that I cannot use with TEXT field

    Thanks in Advance - Mubeen

  • I would think you'd be able to convert text to varchar(max) and do the replace operation on it.

  • The REPLACE function will work if you use SUBSTRING to get the text data, or if you cast to varchar(max) as Aaron suggested.


    REPLACE(SUBSTRING(pr_info, 1, DATALENGTH(pr_info)), CHAR(13)+CHAR(10), '; ')

    FROM pubs.dbo.pub_info


    REPLACE(CAST(pr_info AS VARCHAR(MAX)), CHAR(13)+CHAR(10), '; ')

    FROM pubs.dbo.pub_info

  • Thanks Scott and all who ever responded to my question.

    It was successfull with the Replace function.  Somehow it is not working with Char strings char(13)+char(10).  It worked well with just CHAR(10) with out specifying combination of both.  Thanks a lot for all your help - Mubeen

  • Maybe you've got char(10)+char(13) instead, or some other goofy combination.  You could take a look at the characters before and after the linefeed with something like this:


    pub_id, ASCII(SUBSTRING(pr_info, pos-3, 1)), ASCII(SUBSTRING(pr_info, pos-2, 1)), ASCII(SUBSTRING(pr_info, pos-1, 1)),

        ASCII(SUBSTRING(pr_info, pos, 1)), ASCII(SUBSTRING(pr_info, pos+1, 1)), ASCII(SUBSTRING(pr_info, pos+2, 1)), 

        ASCII(SUBSTRING(pr_info, pos+3, 1))

    FROM (

        SELECT pub_id, pr_info, CHARINDEX(CHAR(10), pr_info) AS pos

        FROM pubs.dbo.pub_info

        WHERE pr_info LIKE '%' + CHAR(10) + '%') x

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