how to remove squarebox before field

  • Hi SSIS gurus,

    i have a csv file i this table i have some fields





    before this fields squarebox is there there is no charecter to type in keyboard

    i want replace this normal fileds like





    how to solve this i am trying Replace,Trim,Substring everthing but no use

    anybody help appriciated



  • Windows often displays characters that it cannot display as a square box. It could be anything - a line feed, a korean character that you do not have installed, etc.

    If it is only a single character, using SUBSTRING to take everything after the first character will handle it. If it could be multiple characters, you will need to check the ASCII value of each character until you get to one that is in your acceptable character set.

  • I get data like this all of the time, assuming you need to remove these characters you need to create a script to open the file and scan through line by line removing the chars you no longer need and writing the result to a new file. One of the other things I check for is that the no of delimited fields matches the no of stated fields stated by the header, the number of people that don't stick to CSV standards (including MS) is amazing.

  • Do you have an example of a script that would go through line by line and strip these unwanted characters?

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