How to read the date from a txt file

  •  Is there any command on SQl that read the date from a file?

    ex: file name = abc.txt and the date is 06/08/2006

    wich command will read that date?? if any??


  • Use this:

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_getfiledetails '[Path\Filename]'

    It returns

    Alternate Name


    Creation Date

    Creation Time

    Last Written Date

    Last Written Time

    Last Accessed Date

    Last Accessed Time




  • thanks, it works

    now I need to do this somehow

    select @date = select creation date from  (EXEC master.dbo.xp_getfiledetails '\\atlaback\D$\sql_backup\LPUSAS-WINDIAG\WINDIAG2\*.BAK')

    this statment it's not working, any ideas?

    thanks again

  • You need to put the results of xp_getfiledetails into a temp table and then set your variable to the creation date (see below)


    IF EXISTS(Select * from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where id = OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb.dbo.#tblResults'))

     DROP TABLE #tblResults

    CREATE TABLE #tblResults (vcAName varchar(8000),iSize INT, vcCreateDate VARCHAR(25),vcCreateTime VARCHAR(25),vclWriteDate VARCHAR(25),vcLWriteTime VARCHAR(25),vcLAccessDate VARCHAR(25),vcLAccessTime VARCHAR(25),iAttributes INT)

    INSERT INTO #tblResults EXEC master.dbo.xp_getfiledetails '\\atlaback\D$\sql_backup\LPUSAS-WINDIAG\WINDIAG2\*.BAK'

    SET @dtDate = (Select cast(vcCreateDate as Datetime) from #tblResults)

    be aware that the use of *.BAK will return the filedetails only of the first .bak file foud in the path.  If you need a different file than this you need to specify the file name.




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