How to read from a CSV file in a sProc?

  • What is the simplest way in sProc to convert a CSV file into a table?

  • if csv file is correct, use bulk insert should be simplest.


  • But how do I do a "bulk insert" in a stored procedure?

  • create table outside stored procedure.

    create stored procedure with filename as parameter.

    Here is sample:

    --prepare csv data file, in dos command, assume local pubs database.

    bcp pubs.dbo.authors out authors.csv -S(local) -T -c -t,

    --create table in query analyzer

    use pubs


    select * into copyauthors from authors where 1=2

    --create stored procedure in query analyzer

    create proc copyauthors_sp @filename varchar(100)


    set nocount on

    declare @sqlst varchar(4000)

    set @sqlst = 'bulk insert copyauthors from ''' + @filename + '''' +

     'with (datafiletype = ''char'', fieldterminator = '','')'



    --call the stored procedue for data import

    exec copyauthors_sp 'c:\temp\authors.csv'

    --check result

    select * from copyauthors

    --clean up

    drop table copyauthors

    drop proc copyauthors_sp

  • Thank you. Appreciate your help.

  • If you prefer GUI's (and I do) AND the file to import is not one HUGE S.O.B. (because bcp is probably a smidgeon faster) then the easy thing to do is to go to your Enterprise Manager console, trace down to Data Transformation Services and make a new local Package.  DTS is user friendly and well documented.  If I can use it, a third grader can.


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