How to REad Cube Data From .Net Framework/C#

  • Hi,

    I'm developing a test automation framework for doing regression testing between DATAMART VS Cube. , so I'm using C#,TFS,SQL SERver for the same. I'm using Amomd object from .net and i have mdx queries for extracting the data . but some of the command are not working from C# , but there are fine in executing from mdx window.

    any clues will defintely help to me... , here is one of the error from .net space.

    FailedClearning_MembersExtra-Mart2CubeTest method Mart2Cube.ExtraCubeVerify.Clearning_Members threw exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'SUBSET' is not a recognized built-in function name..

  • you're using the wrong api.

    This error is thrown by ADO --> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (ie SqlClient lib that you use to query SQL). You *could* use this library and passthru queries to the AS server, but why bother 😉

    For cube structure, use AMO.

    For cube queries, use This can return cellsets and datasets (ie flattened if thats what your require).


  • got it, thanks for information.

    I'm using below reference to dll, and able to extract data.

    using Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient;

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