How to query these tables

  • I have a db that is not setup in the best and most effecient way. What is the best way to query the tables below that will give me the best performance ?

    The data is stored in the table (propval) and each column is stored in a table as a record. Tocid represents a collection of columns that creates 1 record. Prop_id represents the id of a column. Str_val is the value stored in the column if it is a string, short_str_val is same as str_val, num_val is the value stored in the column if it is a numeric value, if it is a date it is stored in the date_val column. Tocid represents 1 record for a collection of prop_id's

    This is


    61931000%(GetBanner_Client Name)%(GetBanner_Client Name)NULLNULLNULL

    16482130United StatesUnited StatesNULLNULLNULL










    The Propdef table has the info about columns or data dictionary:


    13Region L 130

    18Vendor Rank I 4040

    20Vendor Name S 400

    132Net Claim Amount N NULL41

    79PRGX Approval Date DNULL10

    80Vendor Approved L 30

  • This is a sample of a query and data results. I think i may need to do a pivot but I've never created one....


    SELECT top 100 tocid, prop_id, str_val AS 'Region', str_val AS 'Client_Number',str_val AS 'Client_Name', str_val AS 'Audit_Year', str_val AS 'Audit_Number'

    ,num_val AS 'Vendor_Rank', str_val AS 'Vendor_Number', str_val AS 'Vendor_Name', str_val AS 'Document_Type', str_val AS 'Owner'

    ,str_val AS 'Document_Security', str_val AS 'Auditor_ID', str_val AS 'Audit_Type', str_val AS 'Client_Division', num_val AS 'GST'

    ,num_val AS 'HST', num_val AS 'QST', str_val AS 'Cancel_Reason', str_val AS 'Language', str_val AS 'Creator', str_val AS 'Claim_Number'

    ,str_val AS 'Claim_Key', num_val AS 'Potential_Claim_Amount', num_val AS 'Claim_Amount', str_val AS 'Approval_Workflow', num_val AS 'Current_Status_Days'

    ,str_val AS 'PRGX_Approved', date_val AS 'PRGX_Approval_Date', str_val AS 'Vendor_Approved', date_val AS 'Vendor_Approval_Date'

    ,date_val AS 'Last_Updated_Date', str_val AS 'Last_Updated_User', str_val AS 'Claim_Cause_Description', str_val AS 'Source_Document'

    ,str_val AS 'Invoice_Number', date_val AS 'Invoice_Date', str_val AS 'Client_Claim_Number', str_val AS 'Client_Banner'

    ,str_val AS 'Client_Department', str_val AS 'Client_Category', str_val AS 'Claim_Currency', str_val AS 'Billable_Currency'

    ,num_val AS 'Exchange_Rate', str_val AS 'Original_Buyer', str_val AS 'Current_Buyer', str_val AS 'Vendor_Type', str_val AS 'Business_Unit'

    ,date_val AS 'Date_Entered', date_val AS 'Vendor_Available_Date', date_val AS 'Client_Available_Date', date_val AS 'Posting_Date'

    ,str_val AS 'Voucher_Batch_Number', num_val AS 'Claim_Age', str_val AS 'PRGX_Claim_Code', str_val AS 'PRGX_Claim_Description'

    ,num_val AS 'Net_Claim_Amount', str_val AS 'Status', date_val AS 'Deduct_Deadline', str_val AS 'Dup_Report', str_val AS 'Check_Number'

    ,date_val AS 'Check_Date', str_val AS 'Corporate_Vendor_Number', str_val AS 'Corporate_Vendor_Name', str_val AS 'Client_Approved'

    ,date_val AS 'Client_Approval_Date', str_val AS 'Client_Approval_Status', str_val AS 'Vendor_Approval_Status', str_val AS 'Vendor_Submission_Status'

    ,str_val AS 'Autodeduct_Status', str_val AS 'Last_Owner', str_val AS 'Incoming_Fax_Number', str_val AS 'PRGX_Approver', str_val AS 'Chaser'

    ,str_val AS 'Tracker', str_val AS 'Client_Contact_Name', str_val AS 'Vendor_Contact_Name', date_val AS 'Client_Resolved_Date'

    ,date_val AS 'Vendor_Resolved_Date', date_val AS 'Posting_Submission_Date', str_val AS 'Source_File', num_val AS 'Deduct_Deadline_Days'

    ,str_val AS 'Status_Description', str_val AS 'Client_Store', date_val AS 'Last_Adjustment_Date', str_val AS 'Auditor_Name'

    ,date_val AS 'Original_Client_Correspondence_Date', date_val AS 'Last_Client_Correspondence_Date', num_val AS 'Days_Since_Client_Correspondence'

    ,date_val AS 'Original_Vendor_Correspondence_Date', date_val AS 'Last_Vendor_Correspondence_Date', num_val AS 'Days_Since_Vendor_Correspondence'

    ,str_val AS 'PRGX_Claim_Category', str_val AS 'PRGX_Claim_Type', str_val AS 'PRGX_Approved_By', str_val AS 'Client_Approved_By'

    ,str_val AS 'Vendor_Approved_By', num_val AS 'Allowance_Percent', str_val AS 'Dup_Group_Number', str_val AS 'Dup_Payment_Invoice_No'

    ,str_val AS 'Buyer_Title', str_val AS 'Price_Protection_Item_Number', date_val AS 'Price_Protection_Date', str_val AS 'Foreign_Currency_Code'

    ,str_val AS 'Batch_Number', str_val AS 'VndNbrAlt', str_val AS 'Project_Code', date_val AS 'Resubmit_Date', num_val AS 'JV1_Percent'

    ,num_val AS 'JV2_Percent', num_val AS 'JV3_Percent', str_val AS 'JV_Store_1', str_val AS 'JV_Store_2', str_val AS 'JV_Store_3'

    ,num_val AS 'Client_Approval_Number', str_val AS 'Item_Description', str_val AS 'UPC_Number', num_val AS 'Net_Billable_Claim_Amount'

    ,num_val AS 'AuditTrax_RecNo', str_val AS 'Buyer_Code', str_val AS 'Buyer_Category', str_val AS 'Client_Account_Number'

    ,str_val AS 'Client_Controller', str_val AS 'Controller_Reviewed', date_val AS 'Printed_Date', num_val AS 'JV4_Percent'

    ,str_val AS 'JV_Store_4', str_val AS 'Account_1', str_val AS 'Account_2', str_val AS 'Account_3', str_val AS 'Account_4'

    ,str_val AS 'Client_Submission_Status', str_val AS 'Deduct_Deadline_Running', num_val AS 'Other_Adjustment_Total'

    ,num_val AS 'Cancellation_Total', num_val AS 'Payback_Total', str_val AS 'Allowance_Calculation_Basis'

    ,str_val AS 'Allowance_Calculation_Method', str_val AS 'Audit_Name', date_val AS 'Batch_Date', date_val AS 'Deduct_Date'

    ,str_val AS 'Industry', str_val AS 'Claim_Cause_Category', str_val AS 'Claim_Cause_Code', str_val AS 'Claim_Cause_Fault'

    ,date_val AS 'Voucher_Date', str_val AS 'Sub_Code', str_val AS 'Sub_Code_Description', str_val AS 'Line_Number'

    ,str_val AS 'Vendor_Contract_Number', str_val AS 'Additional_Vendor_Contract', str_val AS 'Client_Group'

    ,str_val AS 'Client_Program', num_val AS 'Price_Protection_Old_Cost', num_val AS 'Price_Protection_New_Cost'

    ,str_val AS 'Client_Delivery_Method', str_val AS 'Vendor_Delivery_Method', str_val AS 'Client_Department_Name'

    ,str_val AS 'Payback_Document_Number', str_val AS 'Client_Claim_Cause_Code', str_val AS 'Client_Claim_Cause_Description'

    ,str_val AS 'Client_Claim_Cause_Fault', str_val AS 'Business_Unit_Name', str_val AS 'Test_Field_List', date_val AS 'Payback_Check_Date'

    ,str_val AS 'Payback_Check_Number', str_val AS 'Payback_Invoice_Number', str_val AS 'Client_Division_Name'

    ,str_val AS 'Client_Category_Name', str_val AS 'Client_Group_Name'

    FROM propval WITH (NOLOCK)

    WHERE prop_id IN('13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','29','30','31','32','33','34','35','38','39'












    (There are more rows and columns but too many to display..but I think you'll get the picture)







    1059786110Domestic OnlyDomestic OnlyDomestic OnlyDomestic Only

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