How to Query an Excel file with mutiple cells for one single ID

  • Hi Folks,

    My first question here.  This may be lengthy, sorry in advance:-)

    I am looking to read an excel file into a SQL Server table.  The issue I am having is the data entry in the excel file was done in such a way that a person can have multiple pieces of software listed but the list was created with values added to subsequent cells.

    I will try to add an image example here if I can.  Say there are 2 columns, AssignedTo (A1), UserSoftware (B1), the person who entered the data must have written the first user's name 'Jane Doe' in A2 then inserted multiple rows, say 5 in all, under Jane Doe to add 4 pieces of software in UserSoftware column B2, B3, B4, and so on...  S/he skipped a row and typed Max Doe, and again inserted multiple rows to add software for Max.

    Now, if Jane Doe was listed in all subsequent cells A3, A4, A5... I could have queried for Jane Doe and grab all values in UserSoftware column for her but I can't figure out a good way to do this, results in StackOverFlow and others, including here turned up nothing (please point me to a page that has this, if you do).  I hope this all makes sense and you can guide me to write it so the process knows to keep searching for a value for Jane Doe until Max Doe comes up.

    I tried importing the Sheet into SQL Server, but it seems messy.  And I don't want to make more work for the team who manages the workbook containing that sheet.

    Any input you have on this will be appreciated.



    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by  KoellPrit.
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  • Add a formula in C2, =IF(A2="",A2,A1), copy down the whole list, then import using that new column as your user.

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  • Solving this in T-SQL requires a column to order by.  You don't have such a column in your data.


    PS: "Assigned" is misspelled.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by  drew.allen.

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Thanks for your response Drew, the current image is not the actual sheet in question, added quickly as an example …  Couldn't we order by AssignedTo? thus SELECT  AssignedTo, UserSoftware FROM OurUserTable ORDER BY AssignedTo;

  • Thanks much Jonathan, I will consider that as an another option for sure...

  • KoellPrit wrote:

    Thanks for your response Drew, the current image is not the actual sheet in question, added quickly as an example …  Couldn't we order by AssignedTo? thus SELECT  AssignedTo, UserSoftware FROM OurUserTable ORDER BY AssignedTo;

    Ordering by AssignedTo won't give you the results you want, because it destroys the visual ordering that you are currently using to determine who is assigned which software license(s).  You need a field that preserves that visual ordering.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • I got it to work, but I flat out cheated. I used Access (which most everyone here hates), but it was the easiest solution for me.

    I created a table in Access with the following columns

    RecordID Autonumber (like INT IDENTITY)

    Username TEXT(50) allow nulls

    SoftwareTitle TEXT(50) allow nulls

    I imported the Excel file into the table above, which gave me the unique ID that Drew was talking about. Then I used this code to "fill down" the missing usernames.

    Public Sub fillUsernames()
        Dim rsSW As DAO.Recordset
        Set rsSW = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("FixedUserSoftware", dbOpenTable)
        Dim strUserName As String
        Do Until rsSW.EOF
            If Not IsNull(rsSW.Fields("Username")) Then
                strUserName = rsSW.Fields("Username")
                rsSW.Fields("Username") = strUserName
            End If
        Set rsSW = Nothing
    End Sub

    Then I can just create a query like this:

    SELECT FixedUserSoftware.Username, FixedUserSoftware.SoftwareTitle
    FROM FixedUserSoftware
    WHERE (((FixedUserSoftware.SoftwareTitle) Is Not Null));

    and export that back to wherever I want.

    Hideous, but it works.

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