June 15, 2022 at 2:13 am
SET @saida = '<br>===================<br>'
SELECT @saida = @saida + 'SERVER NAME:'+ @@SERVERNAME
SET @saida = @saida + = '<br>===================<br>'
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'DBA',
@recipients = 'terra@gmail.com',
@subject = 'variable as atachment',
@body_format = 'HTML',
@body = @saida,
@file_attachments=@SAIDA; -- how to put the variable content as txt file ?
June 15, 2022 at 10:13 am
Why do you mean by a "txt file"? As in the file has a .txt
extension? You define the name of the file with the @query_attachment_filename
parameter; so you could just have @query_attachment_filename = N'MyFileName.txt
Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.
June 15, 2022 at 12:25 pm
Best is to have sp_send_dbmail execute the query and store the result in a given filename to be added to the email
declare @subject varchar(1000)
set @subject = @@servername + ': Count of master sysfiles'
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'yourprofile'
, @recipients = 'johan.bijnens@Aperam.com'
, @query = 'SELECT * FROM master.sys.sysfiles '
, @subject = @subject
, @body = 'Have a look at the attachment'
, @query_result_width = 8000
, @query_result_separator = ''
, @attach_query_result_as_file = 1
, @query_attachment_filename = 'deQueryResultFileName.csv'
, @append_query_error = 1 ;
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June 15, 2022 at 12:37 pm
I need to use a variable because I have to do many things before send a message, follow part of code:
SET @saida = '<br>====================================================================================================<br>'
SELECT @saida = @saida + 'SERVER NAME:'+ @@SERVERNAME
SET @saida = @saida + '<br>====================================================================================================<br>'
SET @saida = @saida + '<br>====================================================================================================<br>'
SET @saida = @saida + '<br>====================================================================================================<br>'
DECLARE @Instance_Type VARCHAR(MAX), @Current_Node VARCHAR(MAX), @Cluster_Nodes VARCHAR(MAX), @Uptime VARCHAR(MAX), @SQLAgentStatus VARCHAR(MAX)
SELECT @Instance_Type = CAST ([Instance_Type] AS VARCHAR(MAX)),
@Current_Node = CAST ([Current_Node] AS VARCHAR(MAX)),
@Cluster_Nodes = CAST ([Cluster_Nodes] AS VARCHAR(MAX)),
@SQLAgentStatus = CAST ([SQLAgentStatus] AS VARCHAR(MAX))
SET @saida = @saida + '<br>====================================================================================================<br>'
SELECT @saida = @saida + '<br>INFORMAÇÕES DO SERVIDOR<br>'
SELECT @saida = @saida + '<br>' + 'Instance_Type' + ': ' + @Instance_Type + '<br>'
SELECT @saida = @saida + '<br>' + 'Current_Node' + ': ' + @Current_Node + '<br>'
SELECT @saida = @saida + '<br>' + 'Cluster_Nodes' + ': ' + @Cluster_Nodes + '<br>'
SELECT @saida = @saida + '<br>' + 'Uptime SQL SERVER: DD:HRS:MIN:SEC' + ': ' + @Uptime + '<br>'
SELECT @saida = @saida + '<br>' + 'SQLAgentStatus' + ': ' + @SQLAgentStatus + '<br>'
SET @saida = @saida + '<br>====================================================================================================<br>'
SET @saida = @saida + '<br>====================================================================================================<br>'
SELECT @saida = @saida + '<br>ÚLTIMO INICIO DO SQL SERVER<br>'
SELECT @saida = @saida + '<br>' + 'Uptime SQL SERVER: DD:HRS:MIN:SEC' + ': ' + @MSG + '<br>'
SET @saida = @saida + '<br>====================================================================================================<br>'
June 15, 2022 at 12:59 pm
You could put it all in a table ( non-# and non-## ), kind of a key-value pair thing.
Then have the query selecting your stored row from the table
-- Example
@Query = 'Select AttachmentValue from myschema.assembled_for_email where keycol = ''' + convert(varchar(26), mydatetime2, 121)+''''
, @query = @Query
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June 15, 2022 at 1:29 pm
But I have many tables, many querys, this is only a short part of code, the code have more than 450 lines, I need to do a report, I belive that does not have a way to do it with a variable. Thanks everebody.
June 15, 2022 at 2:25 pm
But I have many tables, many querys, this is only a short part of code, the code have more than 450 lines, I need to do a report, I belive that does not have a way to do it with a variable. Thanks everebody.
I don't think you're telling us the real problem here. perhaps you should take a step back and explain the real problem. Why do you need to send many emails, with the contents of many tables (one table in each email)?
Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.
June 16, 2022 at 5:36 am
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