how to properly put variable into SQLString

  • Hello, could anybody help.

    I would like to know how to properly put variable(@dat1) into SQLString.

    input data: @dd1 = 1.3.2012 (


    ALTER Procedure dbo.VYK


    @dd1 char(20)



    DECLARE @dat1 as datetime


    SET @dat1 = CONVERT(DATETIME, @dd1, 104)

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.##vykony') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.##vykony

    SET @SQLString = N'

    SELECT id, Datum, idartikel

    INTO ##vykony

    FROM dbo.Vykony

    WHERE Datum > @dat1'

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLString


    Thanks in advance!

  • Two questions.

    1) Why global temp tables? You are dropping a global temp table which means if you have another process using it you just dumped it in the middle of that process.

    2) Why do you need dynamic sql for this?


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  • Two answers.

    1) you can ignore it , it is just an example

    2) 'cos I will use it via MS access...

    All I want to know is how to write variable into SQLstring ...that is all

  • You want the value of the variable so it is just string concatenation.

    declare @MyVar varchar(10) = 'like this.'

    declare @SQLString varchar(max)

    set @SQLString = 'You append your variable ' + @MyVar

    select @SQLString


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  • okay I know , but not what I want ... try to apply it on my example.

    again: input parameter is date:e.g. 1.3.2012

    DECLARE @dat1 as datetime


    SET @dat1 = CONVERT(DATETIME, @dd1, 104)

    SET @SQLString = N'

    SELECT id, Datum, idartikel

    INTO ##vykony

    FROM dbo.Vykony

    WHERE Datum > @dat1'

    /* I think that variable @dat1 which contains datetime value should be with marks ... but I cant remember if this ' + @variable + ' or something else, because it is datetime variable*/

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLString

  • peter478 (3/8/2012)

    okay I know , but not what I want ... try to apply it on my example.

    again: input parameter is date:e.g. 1.3.2012

    DECLARE @dat1 as datetime


    SET @dat1 = CONVERT(DATETIME, @dd1, 104)

    SET @SQLString = N'

    SELECT id, Datum, idartikel

    INTO ##vykony

    FROM dbo.Vykony

    WHERE Datum > @dat1'

    /* I think that variable @dat1 which contains datetime value should be with marks ... but I cant remember if this ' + @variable + ' or something else, because it is datetime variable*/

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLString

    The problem is that you converted a datetime to a datetime. @dat1 is still a datetime.

    Is this what you need?

    DECLARE @dat1 as varchar(10)


    SET @dat1 = CONVERT(varchar(10), getdate(), 104)

    SET @SQLString = N'

    SELECT id, Datum, idartikel

    INTO ##vykony

    FROM dbo.Vykony

    WHERE Datum > ''' + @dat1 + ''''

    select @SQLString


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  • Yes, it was the problem, thank you!

  • you're welcome.


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  • You should not do any string concating. If you're going to use sp_executesql, then use it properly and specify the date as a parameter.


    SET @SQLString = N'

    SELECT id, Datum, idartikel

    INTO ##vykony

    FROM dbo.Vykony

    WHERE Datum > @dat1'

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLString, N'@dat1 datetime', @dd1

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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

  • And also the global temp table is not needed at all. For example:

    DECLARE @dd1 datetime = dateadd(year, -1, getdate());

    DECLARE @SQLString NVARCHAR(4000);

    SET @SQLString = N'

    select, t.object_id

    from sys.tables t

    where t.modify_date > @dat1';

    declare @tables table (

    name sysname not null,

    object_id int not null


    insert @tables (name, object_id)

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLString, N'@dat1 datetime', @dd1;

    select * from @tables;

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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

  • Thank you guys, yes I'm going to use sp_executesql, but in case I had more parameters

    (e.g. dd1, dd2..etc) how can I write it then?

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLString, N'@dat1 datetime', @dd1

  • The 1st parameter to sp_executesql contains the T-SQL text you need executed. This text may contain any number of variables, in any order and the same parameter may be used multiple times.

    In the 2nd parameter you declare the parameters plus their types, Separate each set of name plus type by a comma. Note that both the 1st and the 2nd parameter have to be of type Nvarchar. You specified nvarchar(4000), nvarchar(max) is however very acceptable here too.

    Then the 3rd and next parameters are the values for the parameters, in the order you declared them in the 2nd parameter.

    For example:

    create table dbo.MyTable (

    ID int identity(1,1) not null,

    Date1 datetime not null,

    Value numeric(25, 2) not null,

    constraint PK_MyTable primary key (ID)


    create index ix_MyTable_Date1 on dbo.MyTable( Date1) include (Value);

    declare @dd1 datetime = {d '2010-01-01'};

    declare @dd2 datetime = {d '2010-02-01'};

    declare @n int = 100;

    declare @SQLString nvarchar(max) = N'

    select top (@maxrows) t.Date1, t.Value, @dat1

    from dbo.MyTable t

    where t.Date1 >= @dat1

    and t.Date1 < @dat2

    order by t.Date1';

    declare @nReturn int;

    declare @Results table (

    Date1 datetime not null,

    Value numeric(25, 2) not null,

    StartDate datetime null


    insert @Results (Date1, Value, StartDate)

    EXEC @nReturn = sp_executesql @SQLString,

    N'@dat1 datetime, @dat2 datetime, @maxrows int',




    if @nReturn = 0

    select * from @results;


    raiserror ( 'Could not execute search.', 16, 1);

    You can, depending on the values specified for @dd1, @dd2 and @n, choose to change the T-SQL. For example if @dd1 is passed in as null, you could dynamically build the following statement:

    select top (@maxrows) t.Date1, t.Value, @dat1

    from dbo.MyTable t

    where t.Date1 < @dat2

    order by t.Date1

    instead of the T-SQL presented above. This will make sure that your search always uses an optimal query plan for the search parameters specified. Definitly read Gail's article on catch-all-queries if you intend to follow such a path:

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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

  • okay, thank you for your advice and time.

    ... however i have one more question 🙂

    When is an advantage to use global temp table, because the result is in fact the same, or not?

  • The advantage of a global temp table is that you can read/write it from another process. The disadvantage is that you can only have one global temp table with the same name, if 2 users/processes try to create the same table an error will occur for the 2nd. And if not an error occurs, then you may still be reading/writing another processes data. Which is actually even more painfull, as it may prove very hard to debug.

    In short, if ever you can avoid using a global temp table: don't use it. I've been programming in T-SQL for over 10 years now and I have not ever had to use one...

    Posting Data Etiquette - Jeff Moden[/url]
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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

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