How to parse json data in SQL server 2012?

  • I am using sql server 2012.I have been assigned a task where one of my column(JsonText) of table(Sample) contain json data.I want to parse that data and insert into columns of another table(Test).I searched on net 'openjson'is supported in sql server 2016.How to do in sql server2012.

    Table1 : Sample

    Id JsonText Active


    webaddress?{'data':'{"PId": "XXXX","Status": "YES","Name":"XXX","Address":"XXXX","MobileNumber":"xxx"}'}

    I am intrested only 'PID,Address,MobileNumber' columns not all.

    Table Test structure like this


  • pinky_sam05 (12/11/2016)

    I am using sql server 2012.I have been assigned a task where one of my column(JsonText) of table(Sample) contain json data.I want to parse that data and insert into columns of another table(Test).I searched on net 'openjson'is supported in sql server 2016.How to do in sql server2012.

    Table1 : Sample

    Id JsonText Active


    webaddress?{'data':'{"PId": "XXXX","Status": "YES","Name":"XXX","Address":"XXXX","MobileNumber":"xxx"}'}

    I am intrested only 'PID,Address,MobileNumber' columns not all.

    Table Test structure like this



    PId = SUBSTRING(src.JsonText, P.sPos, P.ePos - P.sPos)

    , [Address] = SUBSTRING(src.JsonText, A.sPos, A.ePos - A.sPos)

    , MobileNumber = SUBSTRING(src.JsonText, M.sPos, M.ePos - M.sPos)

    FROM #Sample AS src

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT PATINDEX('%"PId"%', src.JsonText)+8, CHARINDEX('"', src.JsonText, PATINDEX('%"PId"%', src.JsonText)+8)) P(sPos, ePos)

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT PATINDEX('%"Address"%', src.JsonText)+11, CHARINDEX('"', src.JsonText, PATINDEX('%"Address"%', src.JsonText)+11)) A(sPos, ePos)

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT PATINDEX('%"MobileNumber"%', src.JsonText)+16, CHARINDEX('"', src.JsonText, PATINDEX('%"MobileNumber"%', src.JsonText)+16)) M(sPos, ePos)

  • Phil Factor wrote a long piece on this few years back Consuming JSON Strings in SQL Server[/url]


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