how to open a .bup file with SQL Server

  • I have been given a file name with an extension of .bup. I am told that it is a copy of a database my application will need to use. So does anyone know how I can open, or access this file in SQL Server 2005?

    Thanks in advance, Bill

  • it sounds to me that the file is just a SQL Server backup; at our shop we see backup files with no file extension, some end in .BAK, others with .BCK;

    a sql server backup can be named anything, but there are some conventions..BUP for backup is not that obscure.


    i would try to use the RESTORE HEADERONLY command  because its really quick and you could see some details about the file to see if it is a SQL Server backup or not.


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  • BUP files are also produced by many backup programs out there (NovaDisk for sure does this). Is it possible they took a SQL server backup and backed it up with some other backup tool? Sounds like you need to talk to the author of the backup - and quickly before it bites you (boss says do it now, he/she is on vacation for a month...)

    Good luck!

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