How to : not display User name & Password in DTSRUN

  • Hello,

    I want to execute some SQL 2000 DTS packages in my newly installed SQL 2005, I know I can type the following command in my Agent Job :

    dtsrun /S"MyServer001" /U"user001" /P"pass001" /N"Test DTS 001" /M"9999"

    But I don't want to display the User name and Login password, how can I do that ?

    I know I can use /E instead, any other choice ?

    Can I encrypt the whole dtsrun statement in my 2005 Agent Job ?

    If yes, how ?

  • Hi,

    There is an option you can perform when using DTS run through xp_cmdshell in Management Studio (or Query Demonizer) that will output the encrypted command string for you. You can then copy and paste that in to your Agent Job for scheduled execution.


    dtsrun /S"MyServer001" /U"user001" /P"pass001" /N"Test DTS 001" /M"9999" /!Y

    The /!Y switch tells SQL Server to not execute the package but to output the encrypted string. If you run:

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'DTSRun'

    You'll be able to see all of the available option switches including the above.



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  • Thanks

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