How to name the output column from an XML query

  • SQL XML Gods,

    Everyone - how do I execute the following query and set the name of the output column?

    If I run the following
    SELECT DeviceModelID, DeviceModelName, DimensionID, DisplayName, CreatedBy, DateCreated, ModifiedBy, DateModified, IsDeleted, ModalityTypeID
    INTO #tempHTML3
    FROM dbo.DeviceModel

      SELECT *
      FROM #tempHTML3
      FOR XML PATH('tr'),TYPE
    ).query('for $tr in /tr
       return <tr>
         for $td in $tr/*
         return <td>{$td/text()}</td>
    FOR XML PATH('table')

    The column name of the resulting output is a system generated name like 'XML_F52E2B61-18A1-11d1-B105-00805' - I'd like it to be 'Data.'
    Should be easy ☺

  • Douglas Osborne-229812 - Wednesday, March 14, 2018 10:21 AM

    SQL XML Gods,

    Everyone - how do I execute the following query and set the name of the output column?

    If I run the following
    SELECT DeviceModelID, DeviceModelName, DimensionID, DisplayName, CreatedBy, DateCreated, ModifiedBy, DateModified, IsDeleted, ModalityTypeID
    INTO #tempHTML3
    FROM dbo.DeviceModel

      SELECT *
      FROM #tempHTML3
      FOR XML PATH('tr'),TYPE
    ).query('for $tr in /tr
       return <tr>
         for $td in $tr/*
         return <td>{$td/text()}</td>
    FOR XML PATH('table')

    The column name of the resulting output is a system generated name like 'XML_F52E2B61-18A1-11d1-B105-00805' - I'd like it to be 'Data.'
    Should be easy ☺

    There should be a better way but one ugly option would be to wrap it all in another select to add the alias:
    SELECT *
    FROM #tempHTML3
    ).query('for $tr in /tr
     return <tr>
      for $td in $tr/*
      return <td>{$td/text()}</td>
    FOR XML PATH('table'), TYPE
    ) as [Data]


  • Douglas Osborne-229812 - Wednesday, March 14, 2018 10:21 AM

    SQL XML Gods,

    Everyone - how do I execute the following query and set the name of the output column?

    If I run the following
    SELECT DeviceModelID, DeviceModelName, DimensionID, DisplayName, CreatedBy, DateCreated, ModifiedBy, DateModified, IsDeleted, ModalityTypeID
    INTO #tempHTML3
    FROM dbo.DeviceModel

      SELECT *
      FROM #tempHTML3
      FOR XML PATH('tr'),TYPE
    ).query('for $tr in /tr
       return <tr>
         for $td in $tr/*
         return <td>{$td/text()}</td>
    FOR XML PATH('table')

    The column name of the resulting output is a system generated name like 'XML_F52E2B61-18A1-11d1-B105-00805' - I'd like it to be 'Data.'
    Should be easy ☺

    Sue's solution is good. That said, can you post a copy of one or more of the XML records that you are working with? I think this should be a way to do this using the query method without a flowr (for let  order-by return) statement.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

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