How to name a column the same name of a tablename

  • USE AP

    Declare @MyRowCount int

    SELECT Top 1 name

    FROM sys.tables

    WHERE name not like 'dtproperties' and name not like 'sysdiagrams'

    order by name asc

    SET @MyRowCount = @@ROWCOUNT


  • Luis Cazares (10/23/2014)

    dariuslearn (10/23/2014)

    so the table name resulting from the following query should become the column name.

    SELECT name

    FROM sys.tables

    WHERE name = (select Top 1 name from sys.tables)


    You don't need to read the table twice. This will give almost the same result (mine will ensure that the order is correct)

    SELECT TOP 1 name

    FROM sys.tables

    ORDER BY name;

    As Gail said, please share what you have done to show you what you're missing (which is fairly simple).

    I dont know why but i can't seem to post my code here now.. I tried several tiems and it never shows only shows up as a sorry its not in the proper format..

  • You have posted your code 4 times. It's easy to understand even if it's showed as a quote. When posting, review that you're using the correct tags.

    Follow the instructions in my previous post and ask any specific question that you have.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • dariuslearn (10/23/2014)

    sorry I am having trouble responding to post. This is the code I have so far.

    USE AP

    Declare @MyRowCount int

    SELECT Top 1 name

    FROM sys.tables

    WHERE name not like 'dtproperties' and name not like 'sysdiagrams'

    order by name asc

    SET @MyRowCount = @@ROWCOUNT


    When you say build a string around it, do you mean using an EXEC...{EXEC|EXECUTE} ('SQL_string')

  • No, I mean building the string. Something like this:

    SELECT Top 1 'The table I need is ' + name + '. Now I can create a SELECT statement with it'

    FROM sys.tables

    WHERE name NOT IN( 'dtproperties', 'sysdiagrams')

    order by name asc

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • This is as close as i can get.. 1 i cant figure out how to add "Count of" to the column name so that it would be "count of ContactUpdates' and 2 I can't figure out how to add Countof the rows to it.

    USE AP

    DECLARE @TableNameVar varchar(128)



    SET @TableNameVar = 'Create TABLE XName('Select @TableNameVar = @TableNameVar +

    ' [' + name +'] bit,'

    From sys.tables

    where name in

    (select Top 1 name

    from sys.tables where name not like 'dtproperties' and name not like 'sysdiagrams')

    order by name

    set @TableNameVar = @TableNameVar + ')'

    EXEC (@TableNameVar)

    Select * from Xname


  • You don't need to create a table each time you need to query something. A SELECT will be enough.

    Check the following articles:



    Dynamic SQL:

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis Cazares (10/23/2014)

    You don't need to create a table each time you need to query something. A SELECT will be enough.

    Check the following articles:



    Dynamic SQL:

    I have no idea how to accomplish this with just a select query.. That is how I orignally tried to do it for over 11 hours.. To be honest I'm not even sure how the solution I posted works..but it was in the powerpoint from my class, so I used it. I still have no idea how to combine a string and a variable, because every time I using "+" I always get an error back.. So this is the only way I can get this close is what I posted. I will read the articles you gave, but I learn by seeing examples..So if they don't have good example I'm afraid it wont do me any good..

  • For one moment, forget about dynamic code. Try writing a static query that will do what you need.

    When you're sure that you have the correct query, you can use the query from sys.tables to substitute the name of the table (which should appear twice in your query) with the column "name" from sys.tables.

    If you can copy and paste the result in the query window and execute it as it is, you're on the right track.

    The next step is to assign it to a variable. That's fairly simple as you just have to add it to your query.

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000);

    SELECT Top 1

    @sql = 'The table I need is ' + name + '. Now I can create a SELECT statement with it'

    FROM sys.tables

    WHERE name NOT IN( 'dtproperties', 'sysdiagrams')

    order by name asc;

    Once you have it in a variable, you just need to execute the code with EXECUTE() or sp_executesql.

    I could give you the complete example, but I want you to learn what's going on.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis Cazares (10/23/2014)

    For one moment, forget about dynamic code. Try writing a static query that will do what you need.

    When you're sure that you have the correct query, you can use the query from sys.tables to substitute the name of the table (which should appear twice in your query) with the column "name" from sys.tables.

    If you can copy and paste the result in the query window and execute it as it is, you're on the right track.

    The next step is to assign it to a variable. That's fairly simple as you just have to add it to your query.

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000);

    SELECT Top 1

    @sql = 'The table I need is ' + name + '. Now I can create a SELECT statement with it'

    FROM sys.tables

    WHERE name NOT IN( 'dtproperties', 'sysdiagrams')

    order by name asc;

    Once you have it in a variable, you just need to execute the code with EXECUTE() or sp_executesql.

    I could give you the complete example, but I want you to learn what's going on.

    is this what your talking about

    USE AP

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000);

    Set @sql = (select top 1 name from sys.tables

    WHERE name NOT IN( 'dtproperties', 'sysdiagrams')order by name asc)

    SELECT Top 1

    @sql = 'The table I need is ' + name + '. Now I can create a SELECT statement with it'

    FROM sys.tables

    WHeRE name NOT IN( 'dtproperties', 'sysdiagrams')

    order by name asc

    print @sql


  • dariuslearn (10/23/2014)

    Luis Cazares (10/23/2014)

    For one moment, forget about dynamic code. Try writing a static query that will do what you need.

    When you're sure that you have the correct query, you can use the query from sys.tables to substitute the name of the table (which should appear twice in your query) with the column "name" from sys.tables.

    If you can copy and paste the result in the query window and execute it as it is, you're on the right track.

    The next step is to assign it to a variable. That's fairly simple as you just have to add it to your query.

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000);

    SELECT Top 1

    @sql = 'The table I need is ' + name + '. Now I can create a SELECT statement with it'

    FROM sys.tables

    WHERE name NOT IN( 'dtproperties', 'sysdiagrams')

    order by name asc;

    Once you have it in a variable, you just need to execute the code with EXECUTE() or sp_executesql.

    I could give you the complete example, but I want you to learn what's going on.

    is this what your talking about

    USE AP

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000);

    Set @sql = (select top 1 name from sys.tables

    WHERE name NOT IN( 'dtproperties', 'sysdiagrams')order by name asc)

    SELECT Top 1

    @sql = 'The table I need is ' + name + '. Now I can create a SELECT statement with it'

    FROM sys.tables

    WHeRE name NOT IN( 'dtproperties', 'sysdiagrams')

    order by name asc

    print @sql


    I still cannor figure out how to do the count

  • If you use sys.tables and join to sys.columns on object_id, you can use COUNT on the column names or ids to get the total. Max_Column_Id_Used in sys.tables would give you the correct number most of the time, but it won't always work.

  • Ok i tried to figure this out but can't. I handed in the homework with out answering this problem because I could not figure it. Every method i tried led to a dead in. So what I am asking is if someone could have a heart and just show me a completed example. I read as much as i can and tried all kinds of code. I don't understand object in SQL right now, and dynamic queries. I need to see an example because i am so confused. SO please can some just write a complete code example. here is every thing i tried. My homework was due on Wednesday i handed it last night. Now i can't focus at work because i can't figure out how to do this.

    please don't point to some place to read again, I 'm only going to learn it now by seeing an example.

    select @MyRowCount AS NumberOfRows from sys.tables

    where name =

    SET @MyRowCount = @@ROWCOUNT


    select @MyRowCount AS NumberOfRows from sys.tables

    where name = 'ContactUpdates'

    SET @MyRowCount = @@ROWCOUNT

    select sum(@MyRowCount) as Count from ContactUpdates

    USE AP

    DECLARE @TableName varchar(128)

    DECLARE @MyTableCount int

    SET @TableName = (select Top 1 name from sys.tables)


    print 'Count of ' + convert(Varchar,@TableName )

    DECLARE @TableNameVar varchar(128)

    SET @TableNameVar = 'sys.tables'

    EXEC ('SELECT Count(name) as count_of FROM ' + @TableNameVar)

    USE AP


    Create view TableCount AS

    Select * from sys.tables

    where name in (select Top 1 name from sys.tables)


    select * from TableCount


    DECLARE @TableNameVar varchar(128)



    SET @TableNameVar = 'Create TABLE XName('Select @TableNameVar = @TableNameVar +

    ' [' + name +'] bit,'

    From sys.tables

    where name in

    (select Top 1 name

    from sys.tables where name not like 'dtproperties' and name not like 'sysdiagrams')

    order by name

    set @TableNameVar = @TableNameVar + ')'

    EXEC (@TableNameVar)

    Select * from Xname


    USE AP

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TableSummary') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #TableSummary

    SELECT AS TableName,

    AS ColumnName, AS Type

    INTO #TableSummary

    FROM sys.tables

    JOIN sys.columns ON sys.tables.object_id =


    JOIN sys.types ON sys.columns.system_type_id =



    (SELECT top 1 name

    FROM sys.tables

    WHERE name NOT IN ('dtproperties', 'TableSummary',


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#AllUserTables') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #AllUserTables

    CREATE TABLE #AllUserTables

    (TableID int IDENTITY, TableName varchar(128))


    INSERT #AllUserTables (TableName)

    SELECT Top 1 name

    FROM sys.tables

    WHERE name NOT IN ('dtproperties', 'TableSummary',


    DECLARE @LoopMax int, @LoopVar int

    DECLARE @TableNameVar varchar(128), @ExecVar varchar(1000)

    SELECT @LoopMax = MAX(TableID) FROM #AllUserTables

    SET @LoopVar = 1

    WHILE @LoopVar <= @LoopMax


    SELECT @TableNameVar = TableName

    FROM #AllUserTables

    WHERE TableID = @LoopVar

    SET @ExecVar = 'DECLARE @CountVar int '

    SET @ExecVar = @ExecVar + 'SELECT @CountVar =

    COUNT(*) '

    SET @ExecVar = @ExecVar + 'FROM ' + @TableNameVar

    + ' '

    SET @ExecVar = @ExecVar + 'INSERT #TableSummary '

    SET @ExecVar = @ExecVar + 'VALUES (''' +

    @TableNameVar + ''','

    SET @ExecVar = @ExecVar + '''*Row Count*'','

    SET @ExecVar = @ExecVar + ' @CountVar)'

    EXEC (@ExecVar)

    SET @LoopVar = @LoopVar + 1


    SELECT * FROM #TableSummary

    ORDER BY TableName, ColumnName

    USE AP

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000);

    Set @sql = (select top 1 name from sys.tables

    WHERE name NOT IN( 'dtproperties', 'sysdiagrams')order by name asc)

    SELECT Top 1

    @sql = 'The table I need is ' + name + '. Now I can create a SELECT statement with it'

    FROM sys.tables

    WHeRE name NOT IN( 'dtproperties', 'sysdiagrams')

    order by name asc



  • Assuming I understood your original question, here is a simplified example, per your request. I used information schema to get the answer. Try to rewrite it using sys.tables & sys.columns like your original homework hinted at, and add in the missing clauses to always pull the first table name. The trick with dynamic sql is writing the select statement correctly in the first place because all the extra single quotes will screw you up...constantly.


    @sql VARCHAR(MAX),

    @TableName VARCHAR(100)

    --Get your table name and store it as a variable

    SELECT TOP 1 @TableName = Table_Name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns

    --Create the dynamic statement to count the columns

    SET @sql = '


    [CountOf'+@TableName+'] = COUNT(*)

    FROM information_schema.columns

    WHERE table_name = '''+@TableName+'''

    GROUP BY table_name'

    --Print & Execute the statement

    PRINT @sql


  • You need to learn that if you want to get the count of the rows the main option is to use "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Table". You need to learn the basics before going to dynamic code.

    Here's an option of how I would do it.

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar( 400);

    --I'm using QUOTENAME to prevent errors for uncommon names in tables such as names with spaces or ] characters


    @sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS ' + QUOTENAME( 'CountOf' + name) + CHAR(13)

    + ' FROM ' + QUOTENAME( name) + ';'

    FROM sys.tables

    WHERE name NOT IN ('dtproperties', 'sysdiagrams')

    ORDER BY name;

    PRINT @sql; --Used to debug the code

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql;

    You need to understand the difference between COUNT(*) and COUNT(ColumnName).

    Try to understand what I posted and ask any question that you have.

    Learn how to find information and read BOL as reference. It will help you a lot in your day to day learning.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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