How to multiply two value from two fields

  • I have the following fields in table A:

     GL_ID|GL_Name_VC |    Amount    |Period_TI|Year_SI


      1000|  Inventory|   8,000.00   |  01     |  2005


      1000|  Inventory|  -3,000.00   |  02     |  2005


      1000|  Inventory|   5,000.00   |  02     |  2005


    the fields above have the following datatype:

     Fields        | Datatype                


     GL_ID         | Integer           

     GL_Name_VC    | Variable Character

     Amount        | Integer

     Period_TI     | TinyInteger

     Year_SI       | SmallInteger

    The above database is running on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and i would like to query

    for a report that looks something as below:

    GL_ID|GL_Name_VC |Period_01|Period_02 |Total_YTD


    1000 | Inventory | 8,000   |  2,000   |10,000

           Percentage|   10%   |   20%    |   0


           Total     |   800   |    400   | 1,200

     The Total row is calculated by multiplying the percentage row by the Inventory amount in

    each Period.

    Guys, hope someone out there can help me with the sql command for the above report?

  • Try This

    Declare @tab Table(

    GL_ID Int

    , GL_Name_VC VarChar(15)

    , Amount Int

    , Period_TI TinyInt

    , Year_SI SmallInt


    Insert into @tab Values( 1000, 'Inventory', 8000 , 01 ,2005 )

    Insert into @tab Values( 1000, 'Inventory', -3000 , 02 ,2005 )

    Insert into @tab Values( 1000, 'Inventory', 5000 , 02 ,2005 )

    -- Get Period and YTD Aggregations -------------------------------------



    , GL_Name_VC

    , Year_SI

    , Period_01 = Sum( Case Period_ti When 1 Then Amount End ) * 0.1 --10%

    , Period_02 = Sum( Case Period_ti When 2 Then Amount End ) * 0.20 --20%

    , YTD =

    Sum( Amount *

    Case Period_ti

    When 1 Then 0.1 --10%

    When 2 Then 0.2 -- 20%



    From @tab

    Group by


    , GL_Name_VC

    , Year_SI

    --, Period_TI

    With Rollup

    Having Grouping( Year_SI ) = 0

  • Sorry I forgot to remove the 'With Rollup and Having clause'

    There is no need for that.

  • Hi AnzioBake,

    Thanks for your kind reply, i've tested the script,

    Below is the output:

    GL_IDGL_Name_VC Year_SIPeriod_01Period_02Total_YTD

    But, can i extract something like this:

    GL_IDGL_Name_VC Year_SIPeriod_01Period_02Total_YTD
           Total 20058004001200

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