How to monitor a stored procedure to capture execution times

  • Hi,

    I want to monitor a procedure, Sp_search, to capture what different parameters are passed and how much time it is taking for each run.

    Is there a way can trace once single stored procedure?

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    this may help however if you want to do this for a short period you could use profiler


    ***The first step is always the hardest *******

  • you can check teh procedure cache.

    if you run this, you might see the same procedure multiple times, because each has a specific execution plan due to different parameters:

    SELECT Db_name(st.dbid) dbname,
    OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(st.objectid, dbid) schemaname,
    Object_name(st.objectid, dbid) storedprocedure,
    Max(cp.usecounts) execution_count
    FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans cp
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(cp.plan_handle) st
    WHERE Db_name(st.dbid) IS NOT NULL
    AND Db_name(st.dbid) = Db_name()
    AND cp.objtype = 'proc'
    -- AND (st.objectid = OBJECT_ID('usp_ExtractPatientRefundTransaction') )
    GROUP BY cp.plan_handle,
    OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(objectid, st.dbid),
    Object_name(objectid, st.dbid)
    ORDER BY Max(cp.usecounts)


    then you can remove the group by info, and start digging into the actual plans, execution times, etc.

      DECLARE @ServerRestartedDate varchar(30)
    SELECT @ServerRestartedDate = CONVERT(varchar(30),dbz.create_date,120) from sys.databases dbz where name='tempdb'

    --DECLARE @seconds INT = 15
    SELECT TOP 100
    @ServerRestartedDate As ServerRestartedDate,
    st.last_execution_time As LastExecutionTime,
    CONVERT(DECIMAL(9,3),(st.total_worker_time/ 1000000.0) / NULLIF(st.execution_count,0)) AS AverageSeconds,
    st.execution_count As TotalExecutions,
    (st.last_elapsed_time / 1000000 ) As LastElapsedSeconds,
    (st.max_elapsed_time / 1000000 ) As MaxElapsedSeconds,
    Db_name(fn.dbid) AS dbname,
    Object_schema_name(fn.objectid, fn.dbid) +'.' + Object_name(fn.objectid, fn.dbid) AS QualifiedObjectName,
    Object_schema_name(fn.objectid, fn.dbid) AS schemaname,
    Object_name(fn.objectid, fn.dbid) AS objectname,
    FROM sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats st
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(st.[sql_handle]) fn
    WHERE st.last_elapsed_time >= ( 1000000 * 5 ) --15 seconds default
    -- AND (Db_name(fn.dbid) = @dbname OR @dbname IS NULL)
    ORDER BY st.execution_count DESC

    SELECT * FROM MyCTE ORDER BY AverageSeconds desc



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