How to monitor a database in SQL Server 2005?

  • Hi,

    Is there any inbuilt procedure exist to monitor a database in SQL Server 2005? or How to monitor a database? Or is there good third party tool exist.

    It is very help full to me if you provided the details.

    Thanks in advance.

  • depends completely on what you want to monitor.

    Monitoring usually refers to the whole server in general .

    For built in reports, go to the Object Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio..Right Click on the Server...Reports...Standard Reports has quite a few built in reports for you; the same occurs at the database level as well.(right clicking on the database instead of the server

    there's a suite of DMV's you can use to check your server/database on your own, but you need to knwo what you are after first.

    As far as third party tools, I played with Confio's, which provides some kind of neat tracking of stuff that happened on my server in the last hour...things like most costly SQL statements and stuff, and there are a number of free modules out there that do similar stuff, with the option to upgrade to more powerful suites of reporting capabilities.


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