How to minimize processing time when using a cursor

  • Hi,

    Is there a way I could minimize the processing time of my below query?

    I'm using cursor to transpose values from columns into rows.

    Before update:

    Number: Code: Values: Code_0001 Code_002 Code_003

    123450001.0000000NULL NULL NULL

    123450002.1500000NULL NULL NULL

    1234500032.4600000NULL NULL NULL

    123450004.1600000NULL NULL NULL

    123450005.0900000NULL NULL NULL

    Expected result:

    Number: Code: Values: Code_0001 Code_002 Code_003

    123450001.0000000.0000000 .1500000 2.4600000

    123450002.1500000NULL NULL NULL

    1234500032.4600000NULL NULL NULL

    123450004.1600000NULL NULL NULL

    123450005.0900000NULL NULL NULL

    What I got is this:

    Number: Code: Values: Code_0001 Code_002 Code_003

    123450001.0000000.0000000 .1500000 2.4600000

    123450002.1500000.0000000 .1500000 2.4600000

    1234500032.4600000.0000000 .1500000 2.4600000

    123450004.1600000.0000000 .1500000 2.4600000

    123450005.0900000.0000000 .1500000 2.4600000

    I'm using SQL2000.

    Here's my script:

    /* -------------------------

    Transpose CT values from column to row

    --------------- */

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'##tmpP3TestWIP_MFG_AssyILN_STNa')


    SELECT *,identity(int) as icount

    INTO ##tmpP3TestWIP_MFG_AssyILN_STNa

    FROM ##tmpP3TestWIP_MFG_AssyILN_STN

    create clustered index ##tmpP3TestWIP_MFG_AssyILN_STNa on ##tmpP3TestWIP_MFG_AssyILN_STN (Internal_Lot_Number,Station,Cycle_Time_perStation)

    DECLARE @AssyILNctr1 numeric(6),@AssyILNctr2 numeric(6),@AssyILNILN2 varchar(30),@AssyILNStation2 varchar(4),@AssyILNValue numeric(21,7),@AssyILNStrSql2 nvarchar(1000)

    SET @AssyILNctr1 = (SELECT MAX(icount) FROM ##tmpP3TestWIP_MFG_AssyILN_STNa)

    SET @AssyILNctr2 = 1

    while @AssyILNctr2 <= @AssyILNctr1


    -- SELECT * FROM ##tmpP3TestWIP_MFG_AssyILN_STNa WHERE icount = @ctr2

    SET @AssyILNStation2 = (SELECT DISTINCT Station FROM ##tmpP3TestWIP_MFG_AssyILN_STNa WHERE icount = @AssyILNctr2)

    SET @AssyILNValue = (SELECT DISTINCT Cycle_Time_perStation FROM ##tmpP3TestWIP_MFG_AssyILN_STNa WHERE icount = @AssyILNctr2)

    SET @AssyILNILN2 = (SELECT DISTINCT Internal_Lot_Number FROM ##tmpP3TestWIP_MFG_AssyILN_STNa WHERE icount = @AssyILNctr2)

    SET @AssyILNStrSql2 = 'UPDATE ##tmpP3TestWIP_MFG_AssyILN_STNa

    SET STN_' + @AssyILNStation2 + ' = ' + convert(varchar(11),@AssyILNValue) +

    ' WHERE Internal_Lot_Number = ' + '''' + @AssyILNILN2 + ''''

    EXEC sp_executesql @AssyILNStrSql2

    -- print @AssyILNStrSql2

    -- print @AssyILNStation2

    -- print @AssyILNValue

    SET @AssyILNctr2 = @AssyILNctr2 + 1


  • Hopefully the following test code will help you figure out what you need:

    create table #MyTest (

    Number int,

    Code char(4),

    CodeValues decimal(10,7),

    Code_0001 decimal(10,7) null,

    Code_0002 decimal(10,7) null,

    Code_0003 decimal(10,7) null


    insert into #MyTest (Number, Code, CodeValues)

    select 12345,'0001',.0000000 union all

    select 12345,'0002',.1500000 union all

    select 12345,'0003',2.4600000 union all

    select 12345,'0004',.1600000 union all

    select 12345,'0005',.0900000

    select * from #MyTest -- check entry of data




    sum(case when Code = '0001' then CodeValues else 0.00 end) as Code_0001,

    sum(case when Code = '0002' then CodeValues else 0.00 end) as Code_0002,

    sum(case when Code = '0003' then CodeValues else 0.00 end) as Code_0003



    group by


    update #MyTest set

    Code_0001 = dt.Code_0001,

    Code_0002 = dt.Code_0002,

    Code_0003 = dt.Code_0003


    #MyTest mt

    inner join (select


    min(Code) as Code,

    sum(case when Code = '0001' then CodeValues else 0.00 end) as Code_0001,

    sum(case when Code = '0002' then CodeValues else 0.00 end) as Code_0002,

    sum(case when Code = '0003' then CodeValues else 0.00 end) as Code_0003



    group by

    Number) dt

    on (mt.Number = dt.Number

    and mt.Code = dt.Code)

    select * from #MyTest -- recheck data

    drop table #MyTest -- drop the test table

  • Thanks for a quick response.I don't use hardcoded values that's why I'm using a cursor.Can you pls send me a sample script using a cursor?

    Thanks in advance.

  • You already have one. Any cursor code is going to be slow.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Kicking_Fish0713 (11/19/2008)

    Thanks for a quick response.I don't use hardcoded values that's why I'm using a cursor.Can you pls send me a sample script using a cursor?

    Thanks in advance.

    First of all, you aren't using a cursor in your sample code, and if you are, I can't find it.

    Two, I can't read your code due to the poor formatting of the code, and I really don't feel like taking the time to reformat it to try and understand it.

    Third, please explain why the code provided doesn't meet your requirements. Based on your post, it does. A better explaination of the problem, and additional test data and expected results would probably help.

    You may also want to read the article that I have linked in my signature block for more information on how to ask for help, as I did have to take the time to properly format your test data and write the create statement for the test table. All of which I provided back to you in my post.

  • Lynn Pettis (11/20/2008)

    Kicking_Fish0713 (11/19/2008)

    Thanks for a quick response.I don't use hardcoded values that's why I'm using a cursor.Can you pls send me a sample script using a cursor?

    Thanks in advance.

    First of all, you aren't using a cursor in your sample code, and if you are, I can't find it.

    Might as well be...

    while @AssyILNctr2 <= @AssyILNctr1


    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff Moden (11/20/2008)

    Lynn Pettis (11/20/2008)

    Kicking_Fish0713 (11/19/2008)

    Thanks for a quick response.I don't use hardcoded values that's why I'm using a cursor.Can you pls send me a sample script using a cursor?

    Thanks in advance.

    First of all, you aren't using a cursor in your sample code, and if you are, I can't find it.

    Might as well be...

    while @AssyILNctr2 <= @AssyILNctr1


    I guess I'm too literal, as I was looking for the word cursor some where in the code and couldn't find it. Good catch!;)

  • Heh... yeah... I don't even look for the word CURSOR, anymore... they need a WHILE loop to really do anything and, since both are RBAR, I just look for the WHILE now.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • That makes sense. I guess I'll start following that lead as well.

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