How To Mess Up An Interview

  • For those of you who do not understand the dog reference (I’m not going to read 58 posts to see if some one else explained it) it is an Urban Legend.


    The cliff note version goes like this:

    • Young lad can’t get laid [insert reason here].

    • Young lad sees that dog likes peanut butter.

    • Young lad puts peanut butter on young lads’ manhood (the frank and the beans). 

    •  Dog licks off peanut butter from young lads’ manhood.

    • Young lad is about to experience the freedom of “oral” gratification from the dog.

    • The next steps are optional.

    • Dog chomps down on young lads’ manhood.

    • Young lad passes out from pain.

    • Young lad is found passed out from the pain.

    • Optional steps end.

    • Young lad’s [Mother | Father | etc...] comes home and finds him on the floor either bloody or satisfied.

    Google it...

    Imagination is more important than knowledge.

    – Albert Einstein

  • This is a very strange topic and very strange advice.  If you enjoy cursing keep it to yourself, please don't promote any of this to the professional work environment.  We need to be working towards creating a better and more civilized environment.  Don't waste the time and space of this publication for such topics.  They are not only trivial but harmful.  I really question the usefullness of what you have to say in future topics.

  • Sean,

    This sentence struck me funny:

    "he didn't answer hardly anything right" 

    He didn't or he did, but hardly LOL.

    Advice on Cussing not good.  Take the high road and control the potty mouth I say.

    Last....Have you told your dog about the Peanut Butter fantasy.  I wouldn't , he will never come out of his dog house.



  • Thanks for the tip norman... i was a linguistics major and i have quite a grasp of our rules of grammar... it's this damn internet thingy... it allows me to relax my style and be sloppy... i tend to be less formal in my writing than a lot of people, but it doesn't mean i dont know the rules... thanks though... i'll keep that book in mind...

    Sean McCown

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  • That last post at least made me smile as there are a whole lot of truths about writing there but the whole offended thing, come on.

    Maybe it's time to identify myself as a Northern Californian and deep in the culture but the position that this is OK seems old fashioned. I'm not offended but I do know something about building a diverse community and the importance of diversity (I won't state a number like 10% without explaining it but there are real peoepl out there). When it's all said and done I'd much rather have the people you've offended here and have them feel like they belong than put up with an offhanded remark made in the name of humor.

    BTW, the part about the dominat religion overstepping boundaries is a good point. The one thing I'd add is I encourage all employers to mention this if it's a big deal to them, it gives me a chance to enrichen both our lives by staying clear. Both sides need to know what they're getting in to.

    Everett Wilson


    she cocked her head to the side and just sat there...

    at least its a female...

  • I want to commend SQLSERVERCENTRAL.COM for letting this conversation follow its true course, and I want to note my participation on helping it spiral outward and onward.   Censorship is for the weak and possibly for the left handed.

    This has been one of the most priceless threads ever.

    "No pez dispensers were hurt in the making of this post"

    oh and for the record: I like women and peanut butter, but not preferably at the same time.


  • Hi Sean,

    I've enjoyed all your previous articles and have found them all interesting to read. However, this one was a total disappointment because of one thing...

    First off, I'm not sure that I agree with everything that you said in the article, but I do know that I was completely offended by one of your statements towards the end of the article. You used the phrase "it's really gay".

    Now, not to take this away from the article and it's content, but I would like to mention that the use of that phrase was uncalled for, offensive and totally unprofessional. Times are changing. Get with it.



  • and as another aside .. awful number of 'new' members posting contrary to the opinion to this article... Sean are you blasting your own article ... not a bad try.. even the different font and ip masking... ;l)


    back off and get your own peanut butter

  • I like Sean's blog a lot and I usually look forward to his articles.  This one, however, is not his best work. 

    I am offended by this article as a Christian.  This is not what I read for.  If the candidate offended you by saying "God Bless You" after he failed miserably at an interview - say that.  Don't call religious expression, contextually appropriate or not, "crap".

    If you want to give me useful career advice, that's great.  If you care about my readership, don't insult me.


    Chuck Boyce

  • I was just thinking, when Sean is thrown into the lake of fire, which is never quenched, I wonder if he'll be thinking, he should have cursed less and "PTL'd" a little more?


    Steven D 

  • I get it now: Sean Mc Clown!  Yea, I've heard about him!  Funny white guy?  Yes I suppose he's white....  Geoge Costanza.


    Steven D

  • Great Article.  It's always nice to hear unfettered, honest thoughts from someone with experience on both sides of the interview fence.  Interesting, also, how the undocumented ranking of severity for common profanity seems to be a consistent part of the culture (i.e. Da#$ is at the same level as Sh*&, but not as bad as F&*^).  I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on how you adapt your approach, as an interviewer, when interviewing folks with cultural backgrounds markedly different from your own (recent immigrants, foreign nationals, etc.)



  • Sean, If saying God Bless is offensive and cursing is not during an interview is simply an Oxymoron. The rest of your points are valid but bringing in religion just ruined it. Good Luck on your next article.

  • Thought it was quite funny.  Intersting take on a boring subject.  Keep up the writing.




    Pat Wright

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