how to manage insert update and delete operation in one procedure

  • Hii..

    how to manage insert update and delete operation in one procedure..


  • Though I work with the administration part most of the times,I do look at the queries that hit my databases.If there is a routine task that needs to be done,then I will prefer to have 3 different stored procedures for each of the tasks scheduled in off-peak hours.Also,please make sure that the execution plan shows the optimum plan that it will use(and if you find it best).In case,these queries will run all throughut the day,the make sure to keep an eye on Indexes and Statistics.

    Can you please be more clear if it is your OLTP application that will hit randomly or your scheduled tasks for some data loading or manipulation.A T-SQL guru here can answer you and guide you properly.:-P

  • If you want to do insert, update and delete in one target table on the basis of joining results with other table then you can use MERGE operator of SQL Server 2008.

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