How to make compilation of SP not case sensitive

  • Hi All,

    I have a sp that works fine in server A and does not compile on server B

    CREATE   FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_MyFunction] (@aParam DEC(10,3))



    DECLARE @caseSensitive INT

    SET @CASESENSITIVE  = @aParam 

    RETURN @caseSensitive


    Ok this is not the sp but the problem is with case because when I change it to the same case then it compiles fine.

    Thanks for your input.


  • Ok I think I have a probleme with the way server B was installed.

    Server A has SQL_latin_General_CP1_C1_AS collation and Server B has SQL_latin_General_CP437_C1_AS ( withc I presume is case sensitive )

    How do I change collation of a server?

  • I will repost my question with a different title

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