How to loopthrough all tables in the databases

  • How to loop through all tables in the databases and truncate them all?

    How to loop through all databases and do maintenance on each one and also notify admin on the status on each database (like size,spaceused, spacefree, etc)

  • Someone else will have to help you out with the specifics on truncating/specific maintenance, but here's some spaghetti code for looping through databases and tables...

    DECLARE @DBName varchar(128)

    DECLARE databases CURSOR FOR



    OPEN databases


    -- loop through the databases

    FETCH NEXT FROM databases INTO @DBName




      DECLARE @TableName nvarchar (128)



       FROM ' + @DBName + '.dbo.sysobjects sysobjects

       WHERE sysobjects.xtype = ''U''

      OPEN tables

      -- loop through the tables

      FETCH NEXT FROM tables INTO @TableName



       --you can do whatever you need to the tables here now that you have the table name in a variable


       -- loop through the tables

       FETCH NEXT FROM tables INTO @TableName


      CLOSE tables

      DEALLOCATE tables

     ' )

     --you can do whatever you need to the databases here now that you have the database name in a variable

     -- loop through the databases

     FETCH NEXT FROM databases INTO @DBName


    -- Close and deallocate the cursor

    CLOSE databases

    DEALLOCATE databases

  • Sounds like suicide but here you go:


    if exists (select 1 from tempdb.dbo.sysobjects where name like '%work' and type = 'u')


     drop table ##work


    declare @SQL nvarchar(1000),

     @Count int,

     @Loop int,

     @Name nvarchar(100)

    select name,0 process into ##work from sysobjects where type = 'u' order by name

    set @Count = (select count(*) from ##work where process = 0)

    set @Loop = 1

    while @Loop <= @Count


     set @Name = (select top 1 name from ##work where process = 0)

     set @SQL = 'truncate table '+@Name

     exec (@SQL)

     set @Loop = @Loop + 1

     update ##work

     set process = 1

     where name = @Name


    drop table ##work


    Actually I have used this before just to clean up a mess.



  • Thanks for the quick reply. I will try that.

  • For truncating all of the tables, you are going to either have to drop all foreign keys, or get everything in the correct order before you delete / truncate each table.  This is tricky.  You may be much better off scripting the entire database and just running the create scripts for all of the objects.

    As far as getting all of the row counts, you can loop through each table and count the rows, but if you can live with some possible minor inaccurate row counts, there is a column in the SysIndexes table called "rows" that is updated by SQL server through the database statistics functionality.

    You have to pick the correct index to use, but it is not too difficult to figure out.

  • I keep  this link handy:

    Two of the undocumented stored procedures are sp_MSforeachdb and sp_MSforeachtable.  Both iterate over a list of databases or tables respectively and execute the command text you supply.  They each supply a single parameter (database name or table name) which you can use with the ? placeholder.

    Check the link for more info, but basically this:


    sp_MSforeachdb 'use ?; select ''?'' as database_name, count(*) as tables_count from sysobjects where xtype = ''U'''

    will yeild you a list query result sets, one for each of your databases with a count of user tables in each.  (Be mindful of the need to escape single quotes).


    exec sp_MSforeachtable 'select ''?'' as table_name, count(*) as row_count from ?'

    will yeild a list of result sets with table names and their record counts.

    Hope this helps!

    But boss, why must the urgent always take precedence over the important?

  • Another way to do it is generating a list of TRUNCATE TABLE statements. Something like this:

    USE YourDatabase


    FROM dbo.SysObjects --- Use Sys.Tables in SQL Server 2005

    WHERE Type = 'u' ---If you use Sys.Tables you won't need this clause

    Then you run the results and there you go. Of course, as it was said previously, you have to be careful with the order you perform the truncate statements because of the foreign key relationships (if any)

    I hope this helps.

  • Thanks everyone for all your help. That was really helpfull and pretty fast.

  • Looks like you already have answers but here's something that helps out if you have a ton of FKs.  I do what was mentioned earlier by generating statments from sysobjects to truncate the tables but first you'll have to drop all foreign keys and to do so, this helps.  It basically creates a table, fills it with alter table staments and loops through executing each row and then drops the table.


    CREATE TABLE dropping_constraints


    cmd VARCHAR(8000)


    INSERT INTO dropping_constraints


    'ALTER TABLE [' +

    t2.Table_Name +









    --WHERE t2.TABLE_NAME='your_tablename_goes_here'

    DECLARE @stmt VARCHAR(8000)

    DECLARE @rowcnt INT

    SELECT TOP 1 @stmt=cmd FROM dropping_constraints

    select @stmt

    SET @rowcnt=@@ROWCOUNT

    WHILE @rowcnt<>0


    EXEC (@stmt)

    SET @stmt = 'DELETE FROM dropping_constraints WHERE cmd ='+ QUOTENAME(@stmt,'''')

    EXEC (@stmt)

    SELECT TOP 1 @stmt=cmd FROM dropping_constraints

    SET @rowcnt=@@ROWCOUNT


    DROP TABLE dropping_constraints

  • Hi cburleigh,

         How can I use MSForeachDB to get detail info on all databased like (size of data and logs files and if possible  number of tables in each db etc. I want to get a result in table format and email it to couple users.



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